Question Error : Value does not fall within the expected range


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2007
Programming Experience
i'm using VB.Net 2005 application program.

i'm trying to convert VB6 code to VB.Net 2005. QSockB is DLL file.

this is the code i used for VB6. This is code i'm using to create socket, when program runs... and when i hit start button it calls Q_SendHeader function.


 Q_KDSPort = &H8000&
 Q_MyPort = Q_KDSPort + &H100&
 Q_Address = ADDRESS_ANY

Module QSockB

    Declare Function QSOCKNETINIT Lib "QSockB" () As Long

    Declare Function QSOCKOPENSOCKETEX Lib "QSockB" _
          (ByRef hndSocket As Long, ByVal lngPort As Long, _
          ByVal szIPAddress As String) As Long

    Declare Function QSOCKSENDMESSAGEEX Lib "QSockB" (ByVal hndSocket As Long, ByVal lngPort As Long, ByVal szIPAddress As String, ByRef szData As Any, ByVal lngDataLength As Long) As Long

    Public Const ADDRESS_ANY As String = "AnyAddress"

    Structure KDS_HEADER
        Dim lngFunction As Long
        Dim lngSubFunction As Long
    End Structure

        Dim lngTransactionNumber As Long
        Dim lngTerminalNumber As Long
        Dim lngDestination As Long
        Dim lngSystemTime As SystemTime
        Dim lngTableNumber As Long
        Dim lngServerId As Long
        Dim lngCourse As Long
        Dim lngReserved1 As Long
        Dim lngReserved2 As Long
        Dim lngReserved3 As Long
        Dim lngReserved4 As Long
        Dim lngReserved5 As Long
        Dim lngReserved6 As Long
        Dim lngReserved7 As Long
        Dim lngReserved8 As Long
        <VBFixedString(31)> Dim lpszServerName As String
        <VBFixedString(31)> Dim lpszCustomerName As String
        Dim lngFlags As Long
    End Structure

    Structure HEADER_MSG
        Dim Hdr As KDS_HEADER
    End Structure

    Public Function Q_CreateSocketPort()
        Dim ReturnCode As Long

     	  Q_CreateSocketPort = False

        ReturnCode = QSOCKNETINIT

        If ReturnCode = SOCK_ERROR_NONE Then
             ReturnCode = QSOCKOPENSOCKETEX(Q_Socket, Q_MyPort, Q_Address)
             If ReturnCode = SOCK_ERROR_NONE Then
                 Q_Connected = True
                 Q_CreateSocketPort = True
             End If
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function Q_SendHeader(ByVal TransactionNumber, ByVal Terminal, ByVal VideoChannel, ByVal UniqueTableID, ByVal ServerID, ByVal Course As Long, ByVal ServerName, ByVal HoldName As String, ByVal TimeHeld As Date) As Long
        Dim Header As HEADER_MSG

  With Header.Hdr
         .lngFunction = RDS_FUNCTION_POS_VB
         .lngSubFunction = RDS_MESSAGE_HEADER
       End With

       With Header.Data
         .lngTransactionNumber = TransactionNumber
         .lngTerminalNumber = Terminal 'must be non-zero
         .lngDestination = VideoChannel 'as defined in the KDS (Destination ID's)
         .lngTableNumber = UniqueTableID
         .lngServerId = ServerID
         .lngCourse = Course
         .lngReserved1 = 0
         .lngReserved2 = 0
         .lngReserved3 = 0
         .lngReserved4 = 0
         .lngReserved5 = 0
         .lngReserved6 = 0
         .lngReserved7 = 0
         .lngReserved8 = 0

         ' We must Add a Chr(0) to the end of each string to NULL terminate
         If Len(Trim(ServerName)) > 0 Then
           .lpszServerName = Trim(ServerName) + Chr(0)
            .lpszServerName = Chr(0)
         End If

         If Len(Trim(HoldName)) > 0 Then
 .lpszCustomerName = Left(Trim(HoldName), 30) + Chr(0)        
            .lpszCustomerName = Chr(0)
         End If

     End With

      Q_SendHeader = QSOCKSENDMESSAGEEX(Q_Socket, Q_KDSPort, Q_Address, Header, Len(Header))
    End Function

End Module

this is the code i'm using for VB.Net 2005.

This is code i'm using to create socket, when program runs... and when i hit button start, its calling Q_SendHeader function.

Public objQ As clsQSockB

Private Sub Form1_Load(……………………………………
    objQ = New clsQSockB
    objQ.Q_KDSPort = &H8000&
    objQ.Q_MyPort = objQ.Q_KDSPort + &H100&
    objQ.Q_Address = clsQSockB.ADDRESS_ANY
End Sub

Private Sub btnStart_Click(………………………………
        objQ.Q_SendHeader(100, 33, 1, 100, 3, 1, "Server", 100, Now.Date)
End Sub

Public Class clsQSockB

    Declare Function QSOCKNETINIT Lib "QSockB" () As Int32
    Declare Function QSOCKOPENSOCKETEX Lib "QSockB" _
          (ByRef hndSocket As Int32, ByVal lngPort As Int32, _
          ByVal szIPAddress As String) As Int32

    Declare Function QSOCKSENDMESSAGEEX Lib "QSockB" (ByVal hndSocket As Int32, ByVal lngPort As Int32, ByVal szIPAddress As String, ByVal szData As Object, ByVal lngDataLength As Int32) As Int32

    Public Q_Socket As Int32
    Public Q_MyPort As Int32
    Public Q_KDSPort As Int32
    Public Q_Address As String

    Public Const ADDRESS_ANY As String = "AnyAddress"
    Structure KDS_HEADER
        Dim lngFunction As Int32
        Dim lngSubFunction As Int32
    End Structure

        Dim lngTransactionNumber As Int32
        Dim lngTerminalNumber As Int32
        Dim lngDestination As Int32
        Dim lngSystemTime As SystemTime
        Dim lngTableNumber As Int32
        Dim lngServerId As Int32
        Dim lngCourse As Int32
        Dim lngReserved1 As Int32
        Dim lngReserved2 As Int32
        Dim lngReserved3 As Int32
        Dim lngReserved4 As Int32
        Dim lngReserved5 As Int32
        Dim lngReserved6 As Int32
        Dim lngReserved7 As Int32
        Dim lngReserved8 As Int32
        <VBFixedString(31)> Dim lpszServerName As String
        <VBFixedString(31)> Dim lpszCustomerName As String
        Dim lngFlags As Int32
    End Structure

    Structure HEADER_MSG
        Dim Hdr As KDS_HEADER
    End Structure

    Public Function Q_CreateSocketPort() As Boolean
            Dim ReturnCode As Long
            'Attempt to initial QSockB.DLL
            ReturnCode = QSOCKNETINIT()
            If ReturnCode = SOCK_ERROR_NONE Then
                ReturnCode = QSOCKOPENSOCKETEX(Q_Socket, Q_MyPort, Q_Address)
                If ReturnCode = SOCK_ERROR_NONE Then
                    Q_Connected = True
                    Return True
                End If
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return False
        End Try
    End Function

    Public Function Q_SendHeader(ByVal TransactionNumber As Object, ByVal Terminal As Object, ByVal VideoChannel As Object, ByVal UniqueTableID As Object, ByVal ServerID As Object, ByVal Course As Int32, ByVal ServerName As Object, ByVal HoldName As String, ByVal TimeHeld As Date) As Int32
            Dim Header As HEADER_MSG

            With Header.Hdr
                .lngFunction = RDS_FUNCTION_POS_VB
                .lngSubFunction = RDS_MESSAGE_HEADER
            End With

            With Header.Data
                .lngTransactionNumber = TransactionNumber
                .lngTerminalNumber = Terminal 'must be non-zero
                .lngDestination = VideoChannel 'as defined in the KDS (Destination ID's)
                .lngTableNumber = UniqueTableID
                .lngServerId = ServerID
                .lngCourse = Course
                .lngReserved1 = 0
                .lngReserved2 = 0
                .lngReserved3 = 0
                .lngReserved4 = 0
                .lngReserved5 = 0
                .lngReserved6 = 0
                .lngReserved7 = 0
                .lngReserved8 = 0

                ' We must Add a Chr(0) to the end of each string to NULL terminate
                If Len(Trim(ServerName)) > 0 Then
                    .lpszServerName = Trim(ServerName) + Chr(0)
                    .lpszServerName = Chr(0)
                End If

                If Len(Trim(HoldName)) > 0 Then
                    .lpszCustomerName = Left(Trim(HoldName), 30) + Chr(0)
                    .lpszCustomerName = Chr(0)
                End If

            End With

            Return QSOCKSENDMESSAGEEX(Q_Socket, Q_KDSPort, Q_Address, Header, Len(Header))
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return -1
        End Try
    End Function
End Class

Creating Socket works fine. but when i call Q_SendHeader, getting error.

Error i'm getting is
Value does not fall within the expected range.

when it reach this line in Q_SendHeader, its getting error...
Return QSOCKSENDMESSAGEEX(Q_Socket, Q_KDSPort, Q_Address, Header, Len(Header))

This works fine in VB6... but Q_SendHeader is not working in VB.Net 2005.

anything wrong with the code... if you have any idea what's wrong with the code, please help me... please.....

Thanks in advance.

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