Question Gridview row alternate color

Jan 5, 2009
Programming Experience
Basically,I would like to bind the data into gridview which called PODetailsGrid during page_load. After the data had been bind into the gridview,I would like to make alternate color in each row. For example, the font color for row1 is Black,then second row should be Red,then third row will be Black again...Anyone can teach me how to make that??

 Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


End Sub

  Private Sub GeneratePODetailsView(ByRef ds As DataSet)
            PODetailsGrid.DataSource = ds
        End Sub

 Private Function GenerateDataSource(Optional ByVal blnShowAll As Boolean = False) As DataSet
            Dim ds As DataSet

            ds = RetrievePODetails(Session.Item("UserID"), Session.Item("POID"))

            Return ds
        End Function

 Private Function RetrievePODetails(ByVal callerUserID As String, ByVal POID As String) As DataSet
            Dim objDB As New clsDB
                Dim sql As String = [String].Empty

                If Session.Item("POStatus") = "Partially Accepted" Or Session.Item("POStatus") = "Partially Rejected" Or Session.Item("POStatus") = "Ammended Read" Or Session.Item("POStatus") = "Ammended Unread" Or Session.Item("POStatus") = "Cancelled" Then

                    sql = "SELECT [POID], [LineNo], [SellerItemNo], [BuyerStyleNo], "
                    sql &= "[GTIN], [ItemDesc], [PackSize], [SubPackSize], [Unit], [OrdQty], convert(integer,[InvoiceQty]) As [InvoiceQty], convert(integer,[OrdQty]) -convert(integer,[InvoiceQty]) -convert(integer,[TotQty]) As SelectedQty, [UnitPrice], "
                    sql &= " convert(integer,[TotQty]) As [TotQty], [RejectedQty] = 0, "
                    sql &= "[CaseCost], [DiscountAmt], [NetAmt], [QtyFree], [TaxRate], [Size], [RejectedReason], [TaxType] "
                    'sql &= "CASE WHEN Size ='0' THEN '1' ELSE  '0' END AS chkbox, "
                    'sql &= "CASE WHEN Size ='1' THEN '1' ELSE  '0' END AS chked, "
                    'sql &= "CASE WHEN Size ='0' THEN 1 ELSE  0 END AS Visible"
                    sql &= " FROM Trn_PO_Details WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE POID='" + POID + "' ORDER BY [LineNo];"

                ElseIf Session.Item("POStatus") = "Accept All" Or Session.Item("POStatus") = "Reject All" Or Session.Item("POStatus") = "Completed" Then

                    sql = "SELECT [POID], [LineNo], [SellerItemNo], [BuyerStyleNo], "
                    sql &= "[GTIN], [ItemDesc], [PackSize], [SubPackSize], [Unit], [OrdQty], convert(integer,[InvoiceQty]) As [InvoiceQty], [SelectedQty] = 0, [UnitPrice], "
                    sql &= " convert(integer,[TotQty]) As [TotQty], [RejectedQty] = 0,"
                    sql &= "[CaseCost], [DiscountAmt], [NetAmt], [QtyFree], [TaxRate], [Size], [RejectedReason], [TaxType] "
                    'sql &= "CASE WHEN Size ='0' THEN '1' ELSE  '0' END AS chkbox, "
                    'sql &= "CASE WHEN Size ='1' THEN '1' ELSE  '0' END AS chked, "
                    'sql &= "CASE WHEN Size ='0' THEN 1 ELSE  0 END AS Visible"
                    sql &= " FROM Trn_PO_Details WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE POID='" + POID + "' ORDER BY [LineNo];"

                    sql = "SELECT [POID], [LineNo], [SellerItemNo], [BuyerStyleNo], "
                    sql &= "[GTIN], [ItemDesc], [PackSize], [SubPackSize], [Unit], [OrdQty], convert(integer,[InvoiceQty]) As [InvoiceQty], convert(integer,[OrdQty]) As [SelectedQty], [UnitPrice], "
                    sql &= " convert(integer,[TotQty]) As [TotQty], [RejectedQty] = 0,"
                    sql &= "[CaseCost], [DiscountAmt], [NetAmt], [QtyFree], [TaxRate], [Size], [RejectedReason], [TaxType] "
                    'sql &= "CASE WHEN Size ='0' THEN '1' ELSE  '0' END AS chkbox, "
                    'sql &= "CASE WHEN Size ='1' THEN '1' ELSE  '0' END AS chked, "
                    'sql &= "CASE WHEN Size ='0' THEN 1 ELSE  0 END AS Visible"
                    sql &= " FROM Trn_PO_Details WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE POID='" + POID + "' ORDER BY [LineNo];"

                    'sql &= "[GTIN], [ItemDesc], [PackSize], [SubPackSize], [Unit], [OrdQty], convert(integer,[InvoiceQty]) As [InvoiceQty], SelectedQty = 0, [UnitPrice], "
                End If

                objDB.OpenDataSet(dsRepeater, sql)

                dsRepeater.Tables(0).TableName = "PurchaseOrderDetails"
                dsRepeater.DataSetName = "PODetailsSet"

                Return dsRepeater

            Catch e As Exception
                btnPrint.Enabled = False
                btnInvoice.Enabled = False
                btnCsv.Enabled = False
                btnPdf.Enabled = False
                'btnAccept.Enabled = False
                'btnReject.Enabled = False
                btnSubmit.Enabled = False
                systemlog.Add(callerUserID, "ApplicationException", "Fail to retrieve Mydin Purchase Order Details records.", e.Message + e.StackTrace)
                MessageBox("Fail to retrieve Purchase Order Details Trailers records.")
                Throw New Exception()
                objDB = Nothing
            End Try
        End Function

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