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  1. P

    Calculating cpu utilization

    What I am trying to do is calculate cpu utilization from some unix servers. What I currently have is a perl service that pools the proc file system for the each cpu counter – constructs a hash and then send the values over to a web service to be stored in a sql database. The hash looks like...
  2. P

    Convert a Public Class Private Sub into Module?

    ops made and error public function GenerateEAN(byval lala as graphic)as graphic end function
  3. P

    Convert a Public Class Private Sub into Module?

    Private Sub GenerateEAN(Byval MyGraphicsPage As Graphics) as Graphic MyGraphicsPage.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel 'Dim myPen As New System.Drawing.Pen(Color.Black, 0.01) 'MyGraphicsPage.DrawLine(myPen, Convert.ToSingle(txtXS.Text), Convert.ToSingle(txtYS.Text)...
  4. P

    strongly typed ArrayList - possible?

    try this public class mydatatableinfo private m_pkid as integer = 0 private m_name as string = "" sub new() end sub sub new(byval pkid as integer, byval name as string) m_pkid = pkid m_name = name end sub public property pkid as integer get return m_pkid end get set(byval...
  5. P

    Infragistics, ComponentOne, Xceed, DevExpress, Janus...

    I personaly use Devx for one reason, It has all the controls (for the most part), that any application could utilize, but being able to drop a single instance of defaultlookandfeel on the main form, set the skin or theame element and have every dialog, control, and dexex component all match in...
  6. P

    Saving windows applications

    Ops sorry Tnnspro77 this code applies to .net 2.0, but the consept is the same for 1.1, check the methods under System.Io
  7. P

    TreeView + DataBinding

    You can not databind the treevew, to fill the treevew at runtime you must iterate an object and build the nodes record at a time off the top of my head this should work Private Sub LoadTree() Dim rootnode As New TreeNode rootnode.Text = "My Top Level Node" rootnode.Tag = 0...
  8. P

    How do I share a variable between forms?

    fyi You can access any public method or property from any object in form1 public myval as string = "" in form2 dim frm as new form2 form2.myval = "What Ever" or form1 public sub new(byval something as sometype) mytypeproperty = something end sub in form2 dim...
  9. P

    Saving windows applications

    The Easiest Way The easiest way to save files is using System.IO namespace Private Sub SaveTextFile() Dim fileDialog As New System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog fileDialog.Filter = "Memo files (*.memo)|*.memo|All files (*.*)|*.*" If fileDialog.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK...