
  1. M

    Question Is it possible to test whether the key pressed can generate a character?

    I'm trying to make a class that produces a facsimile of the textbox from Winforms in Console. I have a loop within this class that is reading keypresses as ConsoleKeyInfo. What I want to do is to take a keypress and test whether it corresponds to an actual character. For example, the A key...
  2. P

    Question Need help with 'Student Portal'

    I'm currently using at college and need some help around an issue. The basic idea behind our project is to create a 'Student Portal' so that both students and users can access and perform certain actions inside (This is all console based btw). The issue I've come to is that I need to...
  3. IAmCoder

    Question Deploying a Console Application by only copying the Bin Directory

    I am wanting to have a deployment process for console applications, similar to the web deployments. I am looking for a way to copy all the contents of the "Release" directory into a network share directory via VS deployment process. I know, this seems strange, however, these applications are...
  4. T

    Need some help with a suspend and resume question please :)

    I am currently teaching a programming class and I am totally new to the VB Net world. I have a student who completed a suspend and resume assignment in the delegates and events unit. I've copied the work below. He has the threads working so they suspend and resume in the proper order but...
  5. B

    Question Display fluid standard output from console process in WinForm?

    Hi. I've been searching around the web and here for several days and haven't found a solution to my problem. I'm a veteran ASP.NET developer but I'm new to WinForms and multithreading. I'm using VS 2010 and VB.NET 4.0. I have a console application that takes minutes to hours to run. It...
  6. Grayda

    Tip Menu module

    Good afternoon everyone, While working on my first console app, I had the need to create an interactive menu. There were some solutions about, but most of them required the screen to be cleared with each key press. This wasn't a good solution for me so I came up with my own. You pass it two...
  7. T

    Question Deploying console application - how to run exe from any folder?

    I developed a small console application called foo.exe, and I've created a Windows Installer project in Visual Studio Pro 2010 (trial version for now). The installer then places the foo executable in its target location (Program Files), and I can run the program successfully from its Program...
  8. C

    Question How to use Print Form Power to print a Windows Form from console?

    Hi I'm trying to print a Form that I created using a VB.Net console application. My console application creates an instance of a Windows Form and fills it with data. I then created an instance of the Print Form class from the Microsoft Power Pack and am trying to get the form I filled with data...
  9. S

    Question Copy text from console window

    Hello all, I am writing a console program in 2010/.net 4.0. Through out the program there are many lines of info. presented to the user in the console window. I was wondering if there is a way to copy all those lines from the code. The reason is that I want to save the text as a log to...
  10. E

    Controlling a console application output

    I know this is how you can retrieve the exit status of a console application: Dim CFVProcess As New System.Diagnostics.Process CFVProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "CMD" CFVProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "/C CFV -T C:\Verify.sfv" CFVProcess.Start() CFVProcess.WaitForExit()...
  11. Y

    Console Application - Noughts And Crosses

    Hi, I'm doing an exam in june and we've been provided with a skeleton program that we need to change, making it work and adding additional features to the program. I've added a savegame sub which saves the score of the game, and also a load game which access the saved file and loads the scores...
  12. D

    Question Console Hangs - Socket connection

    Hi All, i created a console application which will return flash policy files and after few hours my application hangs and i used socket connection with multi threading. i need suggestion, if my console hangs is there any way to kill and restart the process automatically ? help me and thanks...
  13. T

    VB console app input field

    i know it seems silly to make a console app but sometimes i just need to make quick tools for myself and don't want to bother with a GUI, so what i am trying to make is an app that will display data but accept input from a command line. I have used the Console.In.ReadLine() but i want a command...
  14. icemanind

    Changing Directories

    I am writing a console application and I am trying to change directories. I am using Directory.SetCurrentDirectory() method and its changing directories just find. The problem is, however, when my application exits, it sets the current directory back to where I was. I also tried importing the...
  15. N

    Question Work with windows froms and console commands

    Hi, I'm new using VB and I need some help creating a little program to make backup of my servers... My application need to execute some commands in the console, check if they are executed with success or not (register all this in one file) and after close the console, all this should be...