ASP.Net Future


Apr 10, 2006
Florida Keys
Programming Experience
Everyone knows about the extreme dominance of the windows platform on the desktop which makes learning to be a windows programmer a no-brainer. But Windows has no such edge on the web. Hosting is more expensive with no real extra value. Linux is pretty much the standard there. I'm curious what people here think about the future of in the face of linux servers and PHP. Can Microsoft successfully compete here?

I've done some web design but it's been mostly static html. I've dabbled in a little PHP just basic stuff. I would much rather work in on complex projects because of my familiarity with visual studio. I guess I'm looking for assurance that I wouldn't be heading down a dead-end.
Well.... as far as I can remember, ASP (in general) has been around longer than PHP. Granted ASP only works on IIS servers, while PHP is cross platform, but it also depends on the environment. We use IIS for our website, and are about ready to roll out a new web-based product that is only possible with ASP.NET... there's no way we could have done it on any thing else. I'd say it's safe to say that ASP and it's successors are here to stay for some time.
