Question creating OLE object to be embedded in Word document


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Programming Experience
I need to create a custom object type that can be embedded in a Word document and that can be edited with a custom application. Essentially, I want to be able to go to Insert -> Object in Word, choose my object type (let's call it Tag) and have that cause my application (let's call it Tagger) to open. The Tagger application should allow me to choose a Tag object from a list, click "OK", and return that Tag object to be embedded in my Word document. If I want to edit or replace the embedded Tag object, I should be able to double-click it and have it open Tagger again.

I've been able to get a Tag object type added to the list of available object types in Insert -> Object, and to get the Tagger application to open when the
Tag object type is chosen. What I have no idea how to do, though, is actually return a Tag object to Word, or how to define my Tag object in VB in a way that will enable me to represent it in Word. Hopefully what I'm describing makes sense. Does anyone know how I can implement something like this using VB?
