Question How to connect to a poker network?! Long shot I know...


Feb 12, 2008
Programming Experience
Hi all,

I play a lot of poker, and would like a program that logs by hands, profit, time played etc. This isn't iilegal, as software already exists, but have always found their software difficult to use. I need to connect to a network called "iPoker", it must be possible as like I say software already exists!

I have no idea where to start, so any information would be great!

P.S Sorry if in wrong forum, it's data access, in a way!
How do you connect right now? Web browser?


I connect through their software which needs to be installed and then connect to the poker network.

I'd then hope to have my program run beside it and log my hands I get dealt etc. Like I say, there is software available so it must be possible, but maybe not in VB.NET, I really have no idea!
I recommend you look up how to perform packet sniffing, for a start, and look at the traffic their software sends. DOnt be surprised if it is encrypted