Question How to transform XML file to Text file


New member
Sep 25, 2008
Programming Experience
I need help.
I'm a student who is not very familiar with VB.Net. But i have to use VB.Net to extract XML file from a server and into a Text file.
The XML file will look like this (see below):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
<posmapname>REP_Poly-Model 2</posmapname> 
<postimestamp>2008-08-03 18:14:12+0800</postimestamp> 

		Dim Doc As New XmlDocument
		Dim NodeList As XmlNodeList

		NodeList = Doc.SelectNodes("/response/TAG")
		Dim sw As New StreamWriter("C:\Temp\MyXmlContents.txt", False)

		For Each Node As XmlNode In NodeList
			For i As Integer = 0 To Node.ChildNodes.Count - 1
				With Node.ChildNodes.Item(i)
					sw.WriteLine(.Name & ": " & .InnerText)
				End With

Public Function ReadXML(ByVal xmlFilePath As String, ByVal NodetoExtract As String, ByVal OutputFilePath As String, ByVal Delimter As Char, ByVal StrLogPath As String) As Boolean

            ' Open an XML file
            Dim reader As New XmlTextReader(xmlFilePath)
            '    reader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.All
            reader.Namespaces = True
            While reader.Read
                If reader.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element Then
                    '  If reader.Name = NodetoExtract Then
                    If String.Compare(reader.Name, NodetoExtract, True) = 0 Then

                        Dim Str As String = reader.ReadOuterXml                       '   Str = Replace(Str, "#", "")
                        '  Dim strbuildstringAs New System.Text.StringBuilder
                        Me.GotNode = True
                        Me.GetRecordCount = Me.GetRecordCount + 1
                        Dim XMLDoc As New XmlDocument

                        strbuildstring = New System.Text.StringBuilder

                        Dim XMLEL As XmlElement
                        Dim Att As XmlAttribute

                        XMLEL = XMLDoc.DocumentElement

                        If XMLEL.HasAttributes Then
                            Dim i
                            For i = 0 To XMLEL.Attributes.Count - 1
                                Att = (XMLEL.Attributes(i))
                                strbuildstring.Append(Delimter & Att.Name() & Delimter & Att.Value() & Delimter)
                        End If

                        If XMLEL.HasChildNodes Then
                            If XMLEL.ChildNodes(0).NodeType = XmlNodeType.Text Then
                                strbuildstring.Append(Delimter & XMLEL.Name & Delimter & (XMLEL.InnerText) & Delimter)
                            End If
                        End If
                        If XMLEL.HasChildNodes Then
                            Dim j
                            For j = 0 To XMLEL.ChildNodes.Count - 1
                                If XMLEL.ChildNodes(j).NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element Then
                                    GetAttributesValue(XMLEL.ChildNodes(j), Delimter)
                                End If
                        End If

                        strbuildstring.Replace(Delimter & Delimter, Delimter)
                        WriteOutRecord(OutputFilePath, strbuildstring.ToString)
                    End If
                End If

            End While
        Catch e As Exception

            WriteOutLog(StrLogPath, Err.Description)
            Return False
        End Try
        Return True
    End Function
use VB.Net to extract XML file from a server and into a Text file
You can use System.Net.WebClient and its DownloadFile method to download the Xml from server address to a local file, the Xml is already plain text.
Dim web As New Net.WebClient
web.DownloadFile(address, filename)
Hi JohnH,

thanks for your reply.

But when you say write the code as "Dim web As New Net.WebClient
web.DownloadFile(address, filename) "

the address i have is :
<-- it is directly from the server.

may i know what is the "file name"? do i have to save the xml in my computer or the VB.Net can extract the information real-time from the server?


PS: I am still trying out the solutions given in the other replies. Thanks MattP and bharath639.
Vincent, I misunderstood your post and throught you were wanting to parse the contents of an XML file to a text file.

JohnH's answer is correct. Maybe it would help if it were stated like:

web.DownloadFile(URL, DestinationFile)
Hi MattP,

i'm not very familiar with technical terms, may i know what is the "destination file"
that you have mentioned "web.DownloadFile(URL, DestinationFile) ".

do we have to create a folder to save the constantly updating XML files?-thus a destination file?
also, to obtain the XML file from the server, i have to actually login into the server with a password. Will this create more complications?
