i can't transform xml feed


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
Programming Experience

i have xml feed from MSDN forums and i make te xslt that i need and i goto xml object on asp.net and put the xml source te xml feed url and and assign the xsl file

gives me error messsage says xml source is invalid !!!

i want to transform xml feed how?

thanks in advance.
It doesn't say the xml source is invalid, it says the path is not a valid virtual path, ie it expects an application relative local path. You can download the target to local temp file and set this as path, you can also load the web url into a XmlDocument and assign this.

For example I have this path variable in Page Load:
Dim rss As String = "http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/rss.aspx?ForumID=38&Mode=0&SiteID=1"
this is the XmlDocument use also in Page Load:
        Dim doc As New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
        Xml1.XPathNavigator = doc.CreateNavigator
or this to download to temp file:
        Dim client As New Net.WebClient
        Dim local As String = Server.MapPath("temp.xml")
        client.DownloadFile(rss, local)
        Xml1.DocumentSource = local
In both cases here the Xsl transform file was set in Designer for the Xml control.
ok i do this but the appearance is not right !!! gives me error message says "MM_XSLTransform error"

i have no idea about that?
Not familiar, doesn't sound like an error ASP.Net would throw. What's your RSS link and what's your Xsl sheet code?