Linq To SQL - Left Outer Join


New member
Apr 29, 2010
Programming Experience
i'm having troubles with a linq-to-sql statement and getting a left outer join to work. here is a sample of two tables i'm trying to join and my code that i've wrote.

Table1 Table2
f1 f2 f3 f4 fID f1 f2 f3 f4
val1 val2 val3 val4 1 val1 val2 val3 val4
val1 val2 val3 val5 2 val1 val2 val3 val5
val1 val2 val3 val6 3 val1 val2 val3 val6
val7 val8 val9 val10
val7 val8 val9 val11

Imports system.linq

Dim resultset = From tbl1 In Table1 _
Group Join tbl2 In Table2 _
On New With {tbl1.f1, tbl1.f2, tbl1.f3, tbl1.f4} _
Equals New With {.f1 = tbl2.f1, .f2 = tbl2.f2, .f3 = tbl2.f3, .f4 = tbl2.f4} Into tbl_join = Group _
From tbl2 In tbl_join.DefaultIfEmpty() _
Where tbl_join.Count = 0 _
Select tbl1.f1, _
tbl1.f2, _
tbl1.f3, _

I am expecting the result set to be...
f1 f2 f3 f4
val7 val8 val9 val10
val7 val8 val9 val11

Instead I'm returning ALL values from table 1. I need to return all values from the left outer join where tbl2.fID is null.

Thank you for your help!
If you're looking to get only the results where the right side of the join is DbNull just add a where clause checking to see if one of the fields is Nothing.

A quick test I threw together only returned the records you're looking for.

        Dim ctx As New JoinTestDataContext
        Dim result = From t1 In ctx.Table1s _
                     Group Join t2 In ctx.Table2s On t1.f1 Equals t2.f1 _
                        And t1.f2 Equals t2.f2 _
                        And t1.f3 Equals t2.f3 _
                        And t1.f4 Equals t2.f4 _
                     Into jn = Group _
                     From x In jn.DefaultIfEmpty _
                     Where x.f1 Is Nothing _
                     Select t1