Microsoft Report Viewer control - Some questions - Any Tutorials, etc?


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Lowell, MA & Occasionally Indonesia
Programming Experience
Greetings Everyone,

I hope Windows Forms is the correct place to post this question since I did not find anything on .net reports and I'm calling a report from a windows form anyway.

Here are some questions:

After using Google and searching for the Microsoft Report Viewer tutorial, documentation or any kind of lessons but nothing detailed came up. I found mostly people asking for tutorials and being stuck.

The only thing I found was on The Official Microsoft WPF and Windows Forms Site and it was great for a start, but where do I go from there? They also had people asking for more tutorials.

Do you know of either an ebook, regular book, turorial, online lessons or some kind of documentation that will take me step by step creating several different types of reports using this tool?

I guess another question to ask is this: Is anyone really using this nice tool. It looks like a fast way to do reports without messing around with Crystal Reports or some other kind of report viewer and I really wish to learn how to use it.

All help is always appreciated.
