need help wif crytal reports


New member
Apr 19, 2005
Programming Experience
hi, i'm using and i need to generate reports using crystal report but however the crystalreportviewer is not in the webform in the toolbox...

can anyone help me wif this .... like wat component or reference do i have to add to be able to use crystal reports in

thank you
right click on toolbox. Select 'Add/Remove Items' option. In the .Net Framework Components bar, scroll and look for CrystalReportViewer. Tick either the one for Windows form or Web form.
thanks ran deep for the reply.

i did as you said but there's no crystalreportviewer under the 'Add/Remove Items' option. In the .Net Framework Components bar.
I am using vb.NET 2003 not vs.NET ... could this be the reason why crystal reportviewer is not here...?
saifudin said:
hi, i'm using and i need to generate reports using crystal report but however the crystalreportviewer is not in the webform in the toolbox...

can anyone help me wif this .... like wat component or reference do i have to add to be able to use crystal reports in

thank you

Do U want to use Crystal report in **.net
U should hav to follow the code below..
Note: U should put a crystalreportviewer control from the toolbox to a form
Dim mc As rpt = New crystalreport1

Dim margins As PageMargins

Dim mt As CrystalDecisions.Shared.ConnectionInfo=New CrystalDecisions.Shared.ConnectionInfo

mt.ServerName = "Your Computer Name"

mt.DatabaseName = "your Database Name"

mt.UserID = "User Id to database login"

mt.Password = "Password to database login"
Me.CrystalReportViewer1.SelectionFormula="{tablename.fieldname} =" & _ me.textbox1.text(for example: to read a value from a text box)
'from th above code the viewer ill select records from table where value of 'field name= the value in the textbox
Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = mc

Me.CrystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo(0).ConnectionInfo = mt

U can use this code ...
if there s any doubts mail me to

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