Question Needs help in Drag & Drop on a Drawing!!!


Dec 30, 2008
Programming Experience
Ok hello everyone, the last time l used VB was version4!! things have certainly changed since those days, l have a question and lm hoping someone out there can get me on the right footing.....

I wish to do three things

1) Draw three letter's 'P' 'B' & 'C' on a form (at a later date mutiples of each wil be added)
2) to be able to drag them anywhere on the form
3) to be able to lassoo them and drag them all at the same time.

For the moment the third option isn't important just as long as l can drag the letters.

Is anyone out there upto the challenge in getting me started?

Many Thanks in advance

Paul Bishop :D
How do i drag a drawing?

Ok if l draw text like follows....

    Dim fnt As New Font("Verdana", 16)
    Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal pe As PaintEventArgs)
        Dim g As Graphics = pe.Graphics
        g.DrawString("P", fnt, New SolidBrush(Color.Red), 14, 10)
    End Sub

I would now like to drag it around the form, is there a simple drag&drop method or redraw etc.

Sorry i am a novice on the graphical side, so be gentle with me :)
