Out of Date Tutorial - Setting Relationships between Tables - Foreign Key


Sep 8, 2009
Programming Experience
I am working through an out of date tutorial, with some success, but during this tutorial a relationship is set up between Tables, by Right Clicking a Field and "Setting Relationships", see here approx 07:50 secs into tutorial.

Visual Basic How Do I Forms Over Data 1

How do I do this same linking between tables, in VS8 using SQl Server Compact, I have tried RH mouse menu's off Field etc but no relationship option to be found, as yet?

I should be using up to date tutorials I know, but they are hard to find without confusing learners like me, talk about more than one way to skin a cat?

Appreciated, S.
Solved ...

I got this one now for VS2008

Right Click on the Table in question in the database, *.sdf, and select "Table Properties", then select Add Relations.

Then follow the form instructions to complete the relationship etc.

Thanks, S.