RichTextBox - Mouse Selection Inaccurate


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2007
Programming Experience
A string thing keeps occurring when using the mouse to select text in a RichTextBox control.

	[Phone]=[A].[Contact Phone 1], 
	[Email]=[A].[E-Mail Address 1],

Given the Above lines that are printed in the control while the app is running, I am trying to select those strings on the left sides of the equals signs. So naturally I can move a little faster with the mouse, becuase the CTRL+Arrow movements with the keyboard are a little jerky, in that they stop at every Symbol (no alpha-numeric character).

So I click just before the "[" beside Phone, and holding shift, I click on the Equals sign after the "]".
	[B][U][Phone]=[[/U][/B]A].[Contact Phone 1], 
	[Email]=[A].[E-Mail Address 1],
The Underlined section is what is highlighted or "Selected" by the rich text box. I can actually click on any symbol character with the mouse and the selection will always extend itself to be "word" aligned, or shall we say, alpha-numeric character aligned. Either highlighting or not-highlighting symbol chars in the vacinity dependent on the start or stop click of the mouse.

I have looked up in the Rich Text Box control help, but the only thing that seemed to relate was: AutoWordSelection, but that is currently False for my control so it should not be affect this.
How can I make the RichTextBox "selection" be hyper accurate to the exact Character (no matter what that character is, Tab, LF, or other symbol character).
