Question [VB.Net] - Setting A Goal


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Programming Experience
Hey everyone :)

I am currently learning VB.Net. My main reference is a book by Micheal Halvorson, teaching into all the fundamentals of the language.

Through the book it shows code sampls and sample applications. Each application i have been rebuilding as they are discussed, but using the exact same code.

I am after setting myself a goal, and maybe looking to create a project or more that will help test and finetune my skills in VB.Net.

I was wondering if anyone could offer any insight ?

This project would be created after i have completed the reference book, so would need to include a database, and possibly file management of some sort.

Thanks in advance,

Adam Riddick
I would split the features I've used in this way :

- GDI+ for drawing stuff. Either to a printer or one screen.
- Windows forms and data binding for learning how to leverage the designer as much as possible to get the simplest code.
- System.Data and typed dataset are used to connect to all sorts of databases.
- System.Xml for managing all kinds of data either from serialization or manual file writing.
- Settings and resources.

Otherwise, you may want to learn about WPF if you're using the latest .NET 3.5. And I don't know if LINQ is such an advancement, but if you believe MS ads, you can't live without it. I'm part of those not living people with my good old .NET 2.0 at the moment...

I'm sure there are other parts of the framework you will need to know about depending on what you do, but those are the ones I use almost daily at my job. Hope it helps you target the technologies used in the industry!
Hey, thanks for the advice.

I've started today with coding a calculator from scratch, a basic one. After i have done, if it works right, i plan to move to a more advanced calculator, such as to hold numbers in a memory, (MR, MC fetaures on a normal calulator.)

Would anyone have any suggestions where to move next? i was thinking something a bit more code heavy. I have used a case in my calculator, but i wouldnt mind a script using Functions, Subs and Arrays, And loops, any loops would be great.
Its all in practise for now.
I am currently into learning stage of arrays so it could be insightful to look more into them.

If anybody could offer a challenge, that would be fantastic.
Maybe you would like recursion? Make an equation parser. They usually use a binary tree for operators so that operator priority order is respected...

Here's some documentation to get you started :

It explains the concept quite well and you'll write little code that actually means a lot. And if you've got no idea what recursion is, believe me you'll see the challenge soon enough! :p