
  1. R

    Question How to start exporting data to an excel file from a particular row of excel sheet?

    Hi everyone, I am trying to export the data to an excel file which has a template like this: I want the data to be inserted from the 3rd row without affecting first two rows same as here But in the actual output first row is being overwritten by column names and data is inserted from...
  2. L

    SQl Server doesnt update new values from Textbox Bind to Datatable

    Original Post: Using: SQL Server 2014, VS2015, VB I have a Datagridview that fills with a DataTable (Table). I have several Textboxes that are bind with their corresponding values from the binding...
  3. S

    DataTable already belongs to this DataSet.

    what solution of this erorr Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared Public Class Frmallreports Dim cn As New SqlConnection Dim cmd As New SqlCommand Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand Dim da As New...
  4. H

    Copy excel data to datagrid

    Hi, i have a windows form with a datagrid, and i want the user to be able to copy and paste the data i am going to perform calculations on, into the grid in a certain column. For simpilicity, we can assume that they have copied the correct numerical values to the clipboard from excel, and they...
  5. D

    Question Global Dataset versus local dataset

    Hi, I have a good understanding of dataset, datatables and dataadpaters and have used them for a few test programs in 2010 express and they seem to work OK. What I would like to ask is where to declare the dataset such that all the Forms in my Windows application can access the same...
  6. D

    Question How to insert(merge) new query result to existing datatable using datareader

    What i was trying to do is to generate a list of products with all details added by user into the datagridview but as i am using datatable.load(datareader) it always reset the previous value of the datatable,i also tried datatable.load(datareader,upinsert) but same thing is happening again. If...
  7. G

    Question Excel Autofilter

    I am using the following code to export a datatable into a Excel spreadsheet. I am having issues trying to set the AutoFilter on for the top row. With the code as it stands does turn on the Autofilter , however it gives an error "Unable to Set the Autofilter property of the range class."...
  8. VBobCat

    Question Problem with DataTable.Select and LIKE operator

    Hello People! My application has several ComboBox whose DataSource properties are always DataTable with two columns, one contains the PrimaryKey, and its name ("PK") is set in ComboBox.ValueMember property, and the other contains text descriptions, and its name ("ITEM") is set in...
  9. D

    problem with datatable

    Hey everyone , i have this problem with datatable and it drives me crazy because as i see everything is good and it still gives me that error i pretty sure the t11 datatable is declared with all it columns whats the problem please help :)
  10. D

    Formulas in datagridview cells redux

    I apologize to the forum if parts of this were posted earlier but I cannot get the problem resolved so I have put a very detailed post here. Any help would be most appreciated. To summarize, I have a datagridview that is fed its initial data via a text file that is read in to populate the...
  11. A

    Question Help with importing data from a comma seperated .csv file into a data-table

    Good evening to all! I'm still very new to, truth be told to any object orientated programming, I am more used to working with C in PIC's or assembler or even VHDL. I have managed to learn quite a lot using visual studio 2010 Pro however I have come against a small problem that I am...
  12. S

    Problems with French Characters

    Not sure if this is the correct place to post this so apologies if not. (I've already posted on the SQLite forums but no reply so far) I'm using SQLite and have some french words stored in one of the tables eg: When I query the database (into a datatable) and retrieve the string value from...
  13. T

    How do I set the column names in a DataTable as a datasource to a ComboBox?

    I'm trying to setup a form to search for data within an existing DataTable. Please help me fill in the blanks below: FilterColumnsComboBox.DataSource = WOTable.Columns? FilterColumnsComboBox.DisplayMember = ??? FilterColumnsComboBox.ValueMember = ??? I could hard-code in the column names...
  14. A

    Question Display data from a dataTable or SqlDataAdapter

    Probably various ways of doing this and reasons why some ways are better than others. I am probably not going about things the best way but owing to my limited experience, it is what it is and any help would be much appreciated. I have pulled data from a sql database, put into a...
  15. M

    Question Beginner Confusion about Data Readers

    I am a VERY advanced VBA programmer making my way into So far, I have set up a MyDatabase.mdf database file in visual studio, and followed tutorials to make pretty forms that allow the user to view and update the data. Now what I want to do is manipulate the data with VB code - go...
  16. S

    Question Reference a previously created datatable by entering a string?

    I want a quick way to be able to see all of the data that is currently in a DataTable. I want to be able to reference the name of the DataTable by entering string into a TextBox, have my program recognise that it's a DataTable that has data in it, and display that data in a DataGridView. Maybe...
  17. roccoman

    Question Filter DataSet with parent / child tables

    hi all, been awhile since i posted here i'm not %100 sure this is the proper forums (my question is about DataSets within the code) but here goes: i have a DataSet with 3 tables - 1 parent table ("TableA"), 2 child tables ("TableB", "TableC"). i need to cascade the results when i filter the...
  18. B

    Datatables & Listbox problem part 2

    Hi All, As per my previous thread I'm having huge trouble getting some data to display in my listboxes. The btnInvoice gives me "There is no row at position 17." Obviously my logic has gone awry, as I'm certain there aren't that many items. Any ideas very welcome!! Relevant Code below...
  19. B

    Question Datatables & Listbox problem part 1

    Hi VB Legends, I've been struggling with a program to access a database with three tables and present some of the information in a couple of listboxes. I'm afraid my brains turned to mush and I can't find anything that seems to help. Any assistance very welcome. When I push the btnOutOfStock...
  20. N

    Question checkbox plus text weirdly difficult

    I'm still pretty new to VB.NET so please forgive if this is obvious. All I want to do is build some kind of table-like or grid-like control in my form that has two columns. An element in the first column should be a checkbox that is changable by the user, and an element in the second column is...