Calendar in VB like in ASP?


Active member
Feb 24, 2005
Programming Experience
So, the boss says build us a shipping plan calendar. I look at calendar controls in VB and not finding what I want there, I discover the Calendar control in ASP.NET. I build a nice web app that does what I want, i.e. displays the shipping calendar and shows dates for ship, delivery and show in each day block.

But boss says, no! do it in VB.NET. But how? the only VB.NET calendar I can find is AxCalendar. Looks similar, but doesn't do the same things. Like how do I put text like holiday names in the cells? There is no "CalendarDay" or "TableCell" types in VB like there is in ASP. What are the analogs?
Ah yes, bit of a pain huh. I belive you have 2 options, have something like a text box next to the calendar (like outlook does), or make a custom control.


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