Combining multiple sql tables into one


Sep 10, 2019
Programming Experience
I have an sql database with multiple tables. I am using all of them in a program.
All of them has the same field names. But i want one of them to have whole data which the other 4 tables have.
Any suggestions please...
Create a query, then copy it and paste it the multiple times you need it and put the word "Union" between them, be sure to do and Into NewTableName so it's all saved to a new table.
I created this query
It worked succesfully, but dbo didnot change...

SELECT * FROM maintable AS f
INNER JOIN table1 AS a ON a.IDNo = f.IDNo
INNER JOIN table2 AS b ON b.IDNo = f.IDNo
INNER JOIN table3 AS c ON c.IDNo = f.IDNo
INNER JOIN table4 AS d ON d.IDNo = f.IDNo
That's not at all what I suggested.
Your query will be something like this:
Select a.[Field1]
Into [dbo].[YourNewTable]
From (
  Select [Field1]
  From [dbo].[Table1]
  Select [Field1]
  From [dbo].[Table2]
  Select [Field1]
  From [dbo].[Table3]
  Select [Field1]
  From [dbo].[Table4]
) a;
Thank you, but i am getting this error

The data type text cannot be used as an operand to the UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operators because it is not comparable.
Any code that can be executed, can be executed in the Click event handler of a Button. If you don't know how to work with databases in VB.NET, do some research on ADO.NET, which is the standard .NET data access technology. There's a link in my signature below that leads to a popular tutorial that includes working with databases.
Ok, thank you for reply, those links are really so usefull. Now i can execute .sql file from a button.
Now i need to change the table name in .sql file within
Is it possible?

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