Complex query (LIKE)


Active member
Apr 3, 2007
Programming Experience
Dim myConn As New OleDbConnection
myConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\..\DB.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5"
Dim myCMD As New OleDbCommand
[COLOR=blue]myCMD.CommandText = "Select * from Table1 where FN LIKE '" & FNTextBox.Text & "%'"[/COLOR]
myCMD.Connection = myConn
Dim myAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter
myAdapter.SelectCommand = myCMD
Dim ds As New DataSet
myAdapter.Fill(ds, "Table1")
DataGridView1.DataSource = ds
DataGridView1.DataMember = "Table1"

How to save(update), delete the data displayed in the DataEntry form?
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Noting that your generated names are FillBy, FillBy5.. you really should consider naming them properly.. FillByLastName, FillByFirstName, FillByID

Microsoft naming convention for controls like textboxes are:



Try to avoid default names like TabControl1, Table1 - they tell other devlopers (like me, and other helpers) nothing - its called making code self documenting
Thanks. This area is new to me. I combed for info about this matter in vain.
I got 83 recommendation warnings. Do you have an idea (I am sure you do) how to remedy them?

These are representative samples of each kind.

1. Dialog Boxes (20):

Warning 4 CA1303 : Microsoft.Globalization : Backupinfo.InitializeComponent():Void passes a literal as parameter 1 of a call to Control.set_Text(String):Void. Retrieve the following string argument from a resource table instead: ' Backup Information' <<< this is the Title of the Dialog Box

Warning 57 CA1303 : Microsoft.Globalization : Form3.BackUp_Click(Object, EventArgs):Void passes a literal as parameter 1 of a call to ToolStripItem.set_Text(String):Void. Retrieve the following string argument from a resource table instead: 'Backup completed successfully.'

2. Form (15)

Warning 15 CA1303 : Microsoft.Globalization : Form1.InitializeComponent():Void passes a literal as parameter 1 of a call to Control.set_Text(String):Void. Retrieve the following string argument from a resource table instead: 'SYSTEM FUNCTIONS' <<< this is the Title of the Form

3. Labels on the Form (25)

Warning 41 CA1303 : Microsoft.Globalization : Form2.InitializeComponent():Void passes a literal as parameter 1 of a call to Control.set_Text(String):Void. Retrieve the following string argument from a resource table instead: 'Phone 1'

4. Casing

Warning 80 CA1709 : Microsoft.Naming : Correct the casing of member name 'txtBoxBackColorEnter'.
Is this an FxCop output?

Read the help text FxCop gives you.. It does a better job of explaining it than I will
It is a "VB 2005 Team" Test print out. These warning are the kind you were mentioning in your last post, like naming conventions, etc. I am just too new to this whole thing of programming although I am at it at least for 4 months now. I guess I am too slow (mildly speaking). I wish I could find a "readable" documentation, so I would not to bother other people with trivial questions.

Anyhow, I do appreciate that you take the trouble to answer.
It is a "VB 2005 Team" Test print out.

Team probably incorporates something like FxCop.. I dont know if right clicking the message would give an option for more help on the error, but heres a quick rundown:

Globalization problems = Your app is not easy to translate to another language. You use strings in the code:

myButton.Text = "Yes"

When you should refer to a table or collection that is all in one place:

myButton.Text = My.Settings.QuestionForm_YesButtonText

English.Config file said:
My.Settings.QuestionForm_YesButtonText = "Yes"
German.Config file said:
My.Settings.QuestionForm_YesButtonText = "Ja"
French.Config file said:
My.Settings.QuestionForm_YesButtonText = "Oui"
Spanish.Config file said:
My.Settings.QuestionForm_YesButtonText = "Si"


Naming case correction = its hard to say, because I dont know what 'txtBoxBackColorEnter' is. If it is a variable, then it is cased correctly, but it defies the convention of naming a control like:


For variables that are controls, the control type must come at the end of the name, forget all that Hungarin notion of cboMyCombo, txtMyTextBox, lstMyListBox.

If the member is a property, it must start with an uppercase letter

Private ReadOnly myValStartsWithLowercase as String = ""
Property MyPropStartsUpperCase as String
    Return myValStartsWithLowercase 
  End Get
End Property
There's quite an intersting discussion ongoing about it in General Discussion, title "Naming conventions?" starter: pachjo

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