Could not find installable ISAM

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New member
Dec 3, 2020
Programming Experience

My code is breaking on the below line with the error message. Run time error - Could not find installable ISAM.


Does any know how to resolve this problem?

Sub Insurance()

Dim cn As Connection, rs As Recordset
Set cn = New Connection
Set rs = New Recordset

mypath = "W:\.Team documents\Freehold team\Freehold managers\Reporting\Reports\Insurance ledger.csv"
With cn
.Provider = "microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=" & mypath & ";" & _
"Extended properties=""Txt';hdr=yes;fmt=delimited"""
End With

rs.Open "select * from [Insurance Ledger] where [Type]='Buildings - Property Owners' and [Status]='Active' or [Status]='Scheduled'", cn
Sheets("Insurance").Range("a1").CopyFromRecordset rs

End Sub
This is a VB.NET forum and that is VB6 code. For that reason, I am closing this thread.

That said, I will provide some information. Not all the specifics apply to VB.NET and VB6 in the same way, which is why the language matters.

If you are going to use the ACE OLE DB provider then you need it installed on your system and you need a version with the same bitness as your app. ACE gets installed along with Microsoft Office 2007 and later or you can install a standalone version. If you install 64-bit Office or ACE then it will only work with 64-bit apps the same goes for 32-bit.

You only actually need ACE to read newer-format Office files, e.g. ACCDB and XLSX. If you are using older-format Office files or generic files, e.g. MDB, XLS and CSV, then you can use the Jet provider instead. That is part of Windows, so it will always be present, but it is only available in 32-bit form so it only supports 32-bit apps.
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