Resolved Error - Data type mismatch


Jun 22, 2012
Programming Experience
I am getting the following error when I execute this code: "Data type mismatch in criteria expression." Thanks in advance.

Dim WhereUsed As Boolean = False
        Dim WhereString

        If Len(Me.cboCaller.Text) > 0 Then
            WhereString = "WHERE CALLER=?"
            WhereUsed = True
        End If

        Dim SQL As String
        SQL = "SELECT tblFirms.ORG_PK, tblFirms.ORG_NAME, tblStatus_Type.Status_TX, tblFirms.AA_NM, tblFirms.CONTACT_NM, tblFirms.CONTACT_PH, tblFirms.AA_PH, tblFirms.ASSESSED_AMOUNT, tblFirms.REN_BAL, tblFirms.DAILY_BAL, tblCallStatus.Call_Status, tblCallResults.Call_Result, tblCallDetails.caller, tblCallDetails.call_date " & _
            "FROM (((tblFirms INNER JOIN tblCallDetails ON tblFirms.ORG_PK = tblCallDetails.ORG_PK) INNER JOIN tblStatus_Type ON tblFirms.STATUS_ID = tblStatus_Type.Status_ID) INNER JOIN tblCallStatus ON tblCallDetails.CSTAT_ID = tblCallStatus.CStat_ID) INNER JOIN tblCallResults ON tblCallDetails.CRESULT_ID = tblCallResults.CResult_ID "

        Dim StartDt As Date = Now
        'start date is 7 days ago
        StartDt = StartDt.AddDays(-7)

        If WhereUsed = True Then
            SQL = SQL & WhereString & " and call_date>? "
            SQL = SQL & "where call_date>? "
        End If

        SQL = SQL & "ORDER BY tblCallDetails.call_date DESC "

        Dim myList As New List(Of String)
        Dim TryAttempt As Integer = 0

        Using conLocal As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(myConnString)
            Using commandLocal As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQL, conLocal)
                If WhereUsed = True Then
                    commandLocal.Parameters.AddWithValue("FirstName", Me.cboCaller.Text)
                    commandLocal.Parameters.AddWithValue("FirstName", StartDt)
                    commandLocal.Parameters.AddWithValue("FirstName", StartDt)
                End If
                Using dataReader As OleDb.OleDbDataReader = commandLocal.ExecuteReader
                    While dataReader.Read
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Given that it's Access I'm not sure whether it matters or not but does it make sense to be using "FirstName" for all your parameters, especially given that in two cases that's not what the data represents? Fix that and see if the error remains, in which case we can look further.

Also, on a different note, you should basically never have the same code in both the If and Else block. You know that you're going to add the date parameter regardless so just do it once. You can then put just an If statement before it with no Else.
Well, firstly I would stick that horrid Select statement into a View/Query and make sure that works and then call that instead of sticking the whole SQL statement in your code (it's easier to debug that way and not significantly slower to execute...).

Secondly, I would look to your AddWithValue statements a little more closely...
@jmcilhinney: Thanks for the tip. I changed the parameter name and then edited my code, but I am still getting the same error.

Using conLocal As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(myConnString)
            Using commandLocal As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQL, conLocal)
                If WhereUsed = True Then
                    commandLocal.Parameters.AddWithValue("FirstName", Me.cboCaller.Text)
                End If
                commandLocal.Parameters.AddWithValue("StDate", StartDt)
                Using dataReader As OleDb.OleDbDataReader = commandLocal.ExecuteReader
I meant calling the view rather than that horrid select statement.

Well, you've corrected the initial error that I noticed given that you were setting 'FirstName' to the date and the firstname.

I've not used VB.NET with Access yet, but I cannot see where firstname is in your where statement...
With Access it doesn't really matter what you use as the parameter name since it's just a kind of a placeholder. The "FirstName" just refers to the combobox, which contains a list of names
Well, when working in Access I've had an awful lot of trouble with dates with exactly this error.

I strongly recommend that you convert the date to a string. The trouble with Access is that is insists on american style dates regardless of the regional settings.

so convert the date to this format #mm/dd/yyyy# including the hashes (or sharpes if you prefer)
Well, when working in Access I've had an awful lot of trouble with dates with exactly this error.

I strongly recommend that you convert the date to a string. The trouble with Access is that is insists on american style dates regardless of the regional settings.

so convert the date to this format #mm/dd/yyyy# including the hashes (or sharpes if you prefer)
If you've had trouble then you're doing it wrong. You should absolutely NOT convert the Date to a String. The Jet OLE DB provider requires the format you mention for date LITERALS. Unless you're hard-coding a specific value, you should not be using literals at
all. The OP is doing it exactly the right way. If you use parameters to insert variables then all data is stored in binary form at all times, so format of dates, times and numbers and single quotes, etc, in text is never an issue.

Having said that, it does beg the question, what data type is 'call_date'? That was going to be my next question anyway but you led me in nicely. Is it Date/Time or is it Text?
it is entirely possible that I was doing it wrong but (when working in Access VBA) given that:

dim when as date

"Select * from tbl where whendue=" & when

did not work


"Select * from tbl where whendue=#" & format(when,"MM/DD/YYYY") & "#"

did work, I gave up looking for another solution.

It was to do with not being in America and the date comparison wasn't working properly as I was using dates in dd/mm/yyyy format and Access was getting confused with 10/02/2012. Everywhere in my code it was recognised as 10th February but in Access it was recognising the date as Oct 2nd despite my regional settings.

(perhaps there are regional settings in Access that over ride the OS regional settings - I've only just thought of that and, frankly, I cannot be bothered to look...)
it is entirely possible that I was doing it wrong but (when working in Access VBA) given that:

dim when as date

"Select * from tbl where whendue=" & when

did not work


"Select * from tbl where whendue=#" & format(when,"MM/DD/YYYY") & "#"

did work, I gave up looking for another solution.

It was to do with not being in America and the date comparison wasn't working properly as I was using dates in dd/mm/yyyy format and Access was getting confused with 10/02/2012. Everywhere in my code it was recognised as 10th February but in Access it was recognising the date as Oct 2nd despite my regional settings.

(perhaps there are regional settings in Access that over ride the OS regional settings - I've only just thought of that and, frankly, I cannot be bothered to look...)

VBA may well be a bit different as there may not be any way to use parameters, unless you can use ADO. As for the format for literals, it is always #M/dd/yyyy# for Microsoft development regardless of regional settings. Even in VB.NET you use that format for date literals regardless. For instance, if I wanted to hard-code my birthday:
Dim dateOfBirth = #6/19/1969#
even though I'm in Australia and the standard regional format here is d/MM/yyyy. That makes sense if you think about it because you wouldn;t want to have to go through all your source code and change all the date literals if you moved to a machine with different regional settings.
You're right, that does make sense. It would have made more sense if a proper big-endian date had been used for the standard date format. rather than the American mixed-endian date.

you know, like:

dim dob as date = #2012-02-10#

still, we're now way off topic - how is the OP doing?
If you've had trouble then you're doing it wrong. You should absolutely NOT convert the Date to a String. The Jet OLE DB provider requires the format you mention for date LITERALS. Unless you're hard-coding a specific value, you should not be using literals at
all. The OP is doing it exactly the right way. If you use parameters to insert variables then all data is stored in binary form at all times, so format of dates, times and numbers and single quotes, etc, in text is never an issue.

Having said that, it does beg the question, what data type is 'call_date'? That was going to be my next question anyway but you led me in nicely. Is it Date/Time or is it Text?

Thanks for all the help guys. 'call_date' is a Date/Time data type. I just formatted the StartDt and it seems to be working now. Never had that happen before, but that's good to know.

Thanks again!

Dim StartDt As Date = Now
        'start date is 7 days ago
        StartDt = FormatDateTime(StartDt.AddDays(-7), DateFormat.GeneralDate)
That actually doesn't make a lot of sense because you are converting the Date to a String and then that is being assigned to a Date variable and, therefore, implicitly converted back to a Date (which is bad, but that's for another day). What is the actual value of of the Date with and without that double conversion? There is undoubtedly a better way. You should NEVER convert any value to text unless you need to use the text specifically, e.g. for display or serialisation.

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