Question Export Crystal Report to PDF file - causes CR Params Dialog Popup in CmdLineApp


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Programming Experience
Command Line Project:
Export crystal report to file in pdf/excel/word format & optionally email it.
Command line args incl input parameters for the crystal report.
VB6 being converted to using Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition.
Creator has since left & I need to fix/edit the application.

Having problems... when call Export, CR params dialog box pops up awaiting user input (& params not set properly), dont want this to popup.

Googling lots, cant find answer, examples use these references, but causes namespace or type not found in my project.
Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
    Dim objReport As New ReportDocument 
    Dim paraValue As New ParameterDiscreteValue
    Dim currValue As ParameterValues
    objReport.SetParameterValue("@whichclient", Value.ToString)

EXTRACTS of the code:
'* References: added
'EventSystem 1.0 Type Library; COM; 1.0; C:\Windows\system32\es.dll
'Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000 Library; COM; 1.0; C:\Windows\system32\cdosys.dll
'Microsoft Scripting Runtime; COM; 1.0; C:\Windows\system32\scrrun.dll
'OLE Automation; COM; 2.0; C:\Windows\system32\stdole2.tlb
'Crystal Reports 9 ActiveX Designer Run Time Library; COM; 9.0; C:\Program Files\Crystal Decisions\Report Designer Component\craxdrt9.dll
'Crystal Report Viewer Control 9; COM; 9.2; C:\Program Files\Common Files\Crystal Decisions\2.0\crystalreportviewers\ActiveXViewer\crviewer9.dll
'Crystal Reports 9 Library; COM; 9.2; C:\Program Files\Crystal Decisions\Report Designer Component\craxdui.dll

'* References: couldnt add, said already existed:
'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library; C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msado15.dll

    Dim strRepCmdLnArgs(20) As String
    Dim strParamName(20) As String
    Dim strParamValue(20) As String
    Dim strReportParamName(20) As String
    Dim strReportParamValue(20) As String
    Dim a_strArgs() As String


    Public Sub SendEmail(ByVal pi_strRecipient As String, ByVal pi_strSender As String, ByVal pi_strSubject As String, ByVal pi_strMessage As String, ByVal pi_strSMTP As String)
        Dim objMail = New clsEmail
        Call objMail.SendEmail(pi_strRecipient, pi_strSubject, pi_strMessage, pi_strSender, pi_strSMTP, strExportFilename)
        Exit Sub
    End Sub

    Sub Main()
        a_strArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()

        'Get parameter & report parameter names & values from command line (0=path/appname)
        For intCounter = 1 To UBound(a_strArgs)

            intEqualPos = InStr(a_strArgs(intCounter), "=")
            intStrLen = Len(a_strArgs(intCounter))
            strRepCmdLnArgs = a_strArgs(intCounter).Split(New Char() {","c})

            'Fill arrays: strParamName, strParamValue, strReportParamName, strReportParamValue with commandline args passed
            For intCounter2 = 0 To UBound(strRepCmdLnArgs)
                strRepCmdLnArgs(intCounter2) = Replace(strRepCmdLnArgs(intCounter2), "'", String.Empty)
                intEqualPos = InStr(strRepCmdLnArgs(intCounter2), "=")
                intStrLen = Len(strRepCmdLnArgs(intCounter2))
                strTempValue = Right(strRepCmdLnArgs(intCounter2), intStrLen - intEqualPos)
                'if it's a report parameter field, it starts with @@
                If Left(strRepCmdLnArgs(intCounter2), 2) = "@@" Then
                    strTempName = Mid(strRepCmdLnArgs(intCounter2), 2, intEqualPos - 2)
                    strReportParamName(intRepParamCounter) = strTempName
                    strReportParamValue(intRepParamCounter) = strTempValue
                    intRepParamCounter = intRepParamCounter + 1
                    strTempName = Left(strRepCmdLnArgs(intCounter2), intEqualPos - 1)
                    strParamName(intParamCounter) = strTempName
                    strParamValue(intParamCounter) = strTempValue
                    intParamCounter = intParamCounter + 1
                End If
            Next intCounter2

        Next intCounter

        Call PrintReport(strParamReportName, strParamDSN, strParamExportType, strParamExportFileName)
        If blnSendEmail = True Then
            Call SendEmail(strRecipient, strSender, strSubject, strMessage & vbCr & "THIS IS AN AUTOMATED MESSAGE, DO NOT REPLY ", strSMTP)
        End If

	Exit Sub
    End Sub

    Public Sub PrintReport(ByVal pi_strReportName As String, ByVal pi_strDSN As String, ByVal pi_strExportType As String, ByVal pi_strExportFileName As String)

        Dim objCrApp As CRAXDRT.Application = New CRAXDRT.Application
        Dim objCrRpt As CRAXDRT.Report = objCrApp.OpenReport(pi_strReportName, crOpenReportByDefault)
        Dim objParams As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinitions = objCrRpt.ParameterFields
        Dim objParam As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinition
        Dim objDb As CRAXDRT.Database = objCrRpt.Database
        Dim objTables As CRAXDRT.DatabaseTables = objDb.Tables
        Dim objTable As CRAXDRT.DatabaseTable = objTables.Item(1)
        Dim objCrExport As CRAXDRT.ExportOptions = objCrRpt.ExportOptions
        Dim objConnDummy As ADODB.Connection = New ADODB.Connection
        Dim intParamCount As Integer = 0
        Dim intCounter As Integer = 0
        Dim strParamName2 As String = ""
        Dim strRepParamName As String = ""
        Dim strParamValue2 As String = ""
        Dim strPassword As String = ""

        ' Set connection details for crystal report
        With objTable
            .ConnectionProperties("FILEDSN").Value = pi_strDSN
            .ConnectionProperties("Password").Value = strPassword
            .ConnectionProperties("Database").Value = objConnDummy.DefaultDatabase
        End With

        'Set strParamName2 & strParamValue2 for each ReportParam
        'and set the relevant parameter by calling: objParam.AddCurrentValue(strParamValue2) in the Crystal Report itself

        ' Loop through parameters in Crystal Report itself
        For intParamCount = 1 To objParams.Count
            objParam = objParams.Item(intParamCount)
            strParamName2 = objParam.ParameterFieldName

            ' Loop through repParams passed in via command line
            For intCounter = 0 To intRepParamCounter - 1
                strRepParamName = Mid(strReportParamName(intCounter), 2)

                ' If Crystal Report parameter = repParams from command line, set it 
                If UCase(strParamName2) = UCase(strRepParamName) Then
                    'check data type
                    Select Case objParam.ValueType
                        Case crStringField
                            strParamValue2 = strReportParamValue(intCounter)
                        Case crDateTimeField
                            If UCase(strParamName2) = "@STARTD" Then
                                strHmsTime = " 00:00:00"
                            ElseIf UCase(strParamName2) = "@ENDD" Then
                                strHmsTime = " 23:59:59"
                            End If
                            '0 = today, -1 = yesterday, etc...
                            If IsNumeric(strReportParamValue(intCounter)) = True Then
                                dtDateTime = DateTime.Parse(Today & strHmsTime)
                                If strReportParamValue(intCounter) <> "0" Then
                                    dtDateTime = DateAdd("d", CDbl(strReportParamValue(intCounter)), dtDateTime)
                                End If
                                strDateTime = Format(dtDateTime, scDateFormat2)
                                dtDateTime = DateTime.Parse(strReportParamValue(intCounter) & strHmsTime)
                                strDateTime = Format(dtDateTime, scDateFormat2)
                            End If
                            strParamValue2 = strDateTime
                        Case crBooleanField
                            If strReportParamValue(intCounter) = 1 Then
                                strParamValue2 = "true"
                                strParamValue2 = "false"
                            End If
                        Case Else
                            strParamValue2 = CDbl(strReportParamValue(intCounter))
                    End Select

                    ' Prepare Report Title for top of Crystal Report (that shows the parameters that were selected)
                    objCrRpt.ReportTitle = objCrRpt.ReportTitle & strParamName2 & " = " & strParamValue2 & vbCr

                End If

            Next intCounter

        Next intParamCount

        ' set export criteria: DestinationType, DiskFileName, FormatType
        With objCrExport
            .DestinationType = crEDTDiskFile
            .DiskFileName = pi_strExportFileName
            strExportFilename = .DiskFileName
            Select Case UCase(pi_strExportType)
                Case "PDF"
                    .FormatType = crEFTPortableDocFormat
                Case "EXCEL"
                    .FormatType = crEFTExcel97
                Case "DOC"
                    .FormatType = crEFTWordForWindows
                Case "RPT"
                    .FormatType = crEFTCrystalReport
                Case "XLSDATA"
                    .FormatType = crEFTExcel80Tabular
                    .ExcelUseTabularFormat = True
                    .ExcelUseConstantColumnWidth = True
                    .ExcelConstantColumnWidth = 150
                Case Else
                    .FormatType = crEFTPortableDocFormat
            End Select
        End With

        ' delete file if exists
        objFile = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
        If objFile.FileExists(pi_strExportFileName) = True Then
        End If

        'Export the report 
        objCrRpt.Export(False)    'Supposed to NOT prompt user but it DOES
        'objCrRpt.Export()        'Causes many user prompts
        'objCrRpt.Close()         'Not defined
        objCrRpt = Nothing

        Exit Sub
    End Sub
Last edited:
Found & fixed problem... AddCurrentValue was expecting a date object but I was passing it a string, so the parameters weren't being set.

EXTRACTS of the PrintReport Sub in the code:
                        Case crDateTimeField
                            If UCase(strParamName2) = "@STARTD" Then
                                strHmsTime = " 00:00:00"
                            ElseIf UCase(strParamName2) = "@ENDD" Then
                                strHmsTime = " 23:59:59"
                            End If
                            '0 = today, -1 = yesterday, etc...
                            If IsNumeric(strReportParamValue(intCounter)) = True Then
                                dtDateTime = DateTime.Parse(Today & strHmsTime)
                                If strReportParamValue(intCounter) <> "0" Then
                                    dtDateTime = DateAdd("d", CDbl(strReportParamValue(intCounter)), dtDateTime)
                                End If
                                strDateTime = Format(dtDateTime, scDateFormat2)
                                dtDateTime = DateTime.Parse(strReportParamValue(intCounter) & strHmsTime)
                                strDateTime = Format(dtDateTime, scDateFormat2)
                            End If
                            strParamValue2 = strDateTime
                            'objParam.AddCurrentValue(strDateTime)    ' * expects DATE not STRING
                            objParam.AddCurrentValue(dtDateTime)     ' * this works

                            ' DEBUGGING
                            sMyTest = objParam.GetNthCurrentValue(1).ToString   '  "9/21/2010 12:00:00 AM" & "9/22/2010 11:59:59 PM" & "%"
                            sMyTest = objParam.IsCurrentValueSet.ToString     '  "True"
                            sMyTest = objParam.NeedsCurrentValue.ToString   '  "False"

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