Question How do I send a file over the network


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2010
Programming Experience
I ahve tried using the code:

My.Computer.Network.UploadFile("C:\Users\Phillip\Desktop\test.txt", "", "my username, "mypassword")

but it does not work...

whats the proper format for entering a location to a computer over the network?

Also... whats a way to send a file to a computer over the internet such as my friends computer...

The reason I am doing this is because I plan to make some programs that run based on text files and a basic example of this is a chat program... but I do plan for other things as well...


Used this code:

My.Computer.Network.UploadFile("C:\Users\Phillip\Desktop\test.txt", "\\PHILIPADAMS-PC\USERS\Philip Adams\text.txt", "myusername", "mypass")

and it worked... now how can I send over the internet... Also is there another way i can send over the network like using the IP instead of computer name?

Also how do I send it to other computers?
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Upload via internet is usually done through a Ftp server, like UploadFile(path, "ftp://serverdomain-or-ip", credentials)
using ftp:// or file:// or http:// just results in it saying "The given paths format is not supported... What do I do?

(without Getting a domain name)
You don't need a domain name, but you need a Ftp server.

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