Question How to search a file in a list view.


Nov 21, 2013
Programming Experience
I have my excel file that is consist of many files import to MS access.

After you search a specific file it goes to the ListView.

I have a button called "Advanced search" and that's consist of many textbox referring to each column of the table.
All I want to my program is that, if you've been type to the first text box called "Document number" it will be filtered it on the list view, what if there's many file appeared in the listview? And I want it to be filtered it again so, I have to type to the second text box called "title of the document", so in the first place, if I press the search button, I want it to be filtered the files in Listview one by one according to the textbox(information) I only know.

Can anyone help me from this problem? Thank you! :)

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