Question Migrating from Delphi to VB.NET


New member
Sep 1, 2009
Programming Experience

My name is Willian. I'm brazilian and I've 15 of programming experience (6 with Delphi).

I wanna migrate my knowledges do VB.NET but all books/samples/tutorials are to beginners (I don't wanna a book to learn "IF", "WHILE") or just use samples of codes: these samples are always with 2 table in a 1 dataset. I need help to migrate my knowledges to robuts applications: is there a tutorial/book/on-line course that (really) teachs how to use ADO.NET with large amount of tables and data in VB.NET?

I must learning VB.NET with ADO.NET and the techniquies (is this word misspelede?:confused:)

Please, help, I need to much use VB.NET (In a last case, could be C#.NET, but DON'T ASP.NET).


Willian Lopes
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Not sure what your referring too, what works with two tables also works with many tables... For more advanced books, look for books on specific subjects.

One I recommend for databases is "Pro ADO.Net 2.0" by Sahil Malik. Ive gone through some more recent 3.5 books but still recommend the former as better.
All books are just with one dataset to try lookup... one dataset to show how connect the grid, one dataset to try another thing... I don´t wanna a book with a lot of small samples, I wanna a material with show me how to build a complex application: with a lot of datasets at same time, etc... a material with a step-by-step from the start to the end of a complete database application... and this application must have more thant 1 all-to-do form: it´s usual in books: a unique form with ADD/EDIT/DELETE/ETC... and we know that in our usual days things works different.

Sorry if I was unable to be more clear but it´s very difficult expose some thinkings in a language that isn´t my native language (I'm brazilian and speak portuguese and I know: my english is poor! :eek:)
Yes but if you learn how to add to one dataset, the same can be applied to any dataset(s). Again I recommend the book (and it does have its own form(s) for each example).

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