Question Network application?


New member
Jun 1, 2012
Programming Experience
Hi Everyone, I m now going to learn in creating Network VB.Net application but the problem is I don't have any knowledge in Network Application. So anyone please tell me what I need to learn or study to develop Network VB.Net application. Thank you all
VB.Net Network Knowledge

hi everyone I would like to ask something about Network in VB.Net I try to search network code sample to produce VB.Net application (Like Server and client) But I found a lot of codes (Server and client) and the codes are very complicated for me because codes are mixed with chatting process So I would like to know or want some sample Network VB.Net application(code) from u guys. the application has two forms form1(server) and form2(client) form2(client) has (one button or textbox) form1(server) can make visible or invisible (button or textbox) of the form2 (Like that code, I can able to make or learn other processes) I want to know how to code it. If I can get the code, I can learn more smoothly with various way. Help me guys

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