Question Using a vb script

J Trahair

Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Programming Experience
Hi. I have a script which I want to run from It is a sample script, so if this works I can use a 'real' one. The whole script appears below. However, all instances of the word 'Set' automatically disappear as soon as they can. This means that those variables are not Dim'med.

Even if I Dim them, this is not the same as 'Set '. Lastly, it says WScript is not declared.

Have I missed an Import or Inherit?

'Chilkat' is a component which is installed on my system, but I'm not sure how to relate it to the code.

Thank you.

Dim fso, outFile
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set outFile = fso.CreateTextFile("output.txt", True)

set http = CreateObject("Chilkat.Http")

'  Any string unlocks the component for the 1st 30-days.
success = http.UnlockComponent("Anything for 30-day trial")
If (success <> 1) Then
    MsgBox http.LastErrorText
End If

'  This example uses a live web service at:
'  It gets the UK town,Postcode and County by Postcode(First Section of Post Code)

'  The SOAP XML will look like this:
'  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
'  <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
'    <soap:Body>
'      <GetUKLocationByPostCode xmlns="http://www.webserviceX.NET">
'        <PostCode>string</PostCode>
'      </GetUKLocationByPostCode>
'    </soap:Body>
'  </soap:Envelope>

'  For this example's sake, we'll load the XML from a file.  We'll test using PostCode "E3".
'  The SOAP XML for this example may be downloaded from:
set xml = CreateObject("Chilkat.Xml")
success = xml.LoadXmlFile("ukPostCodeSoap.xml")
If (success <> 1) Then
    MsgBox xml.LastErrorText
End If

strXml = xml.GetXml()

'  We'll need to add this in the HTTP header:
'  SOAPAction: "http://www.webserviceX.NET/GetUKLocationByPostCode"
http.SetRequestHeader "SOAPAction","http://www.webserviceX.NET/GetUKLocationByPostCode"

'  Some services expect the content-type in the HTTP header to be "application/xml" while
'  other expect text/xml.  The default sent by Chilkat is "application/xml", but this web service
'  expects "text/xml".  Therefore, change the content-type:
http.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type","text/xml; charset=utf-8"

'  The endpoint for this soap service is:
endPoint = ""

'  Note: This particular web service was live and functioning at the time this example
'  was written.  It is possible that as time progresses, this web service will no longer
'  be availble...
' resp is a Chilkat.HttpResponse
Set resp = http.PostXml(endPoint,strXml,"utf-8")
If (resp Is Nothing ) Then


    responseStatusCode = resp.StatusCode
    '  You may wish to verify that the responseStatusCode equals 200...
    outFile.WriteLine("Response Status Code: " _
         & responseStatusCode)

    '  You may examine the exact HTTP header sent with the POST like this:

    '  Examine the XML returned by the web service:
    outFile.WriteLine("XML Response:")
    set xmlResp = CreateObject("Chilkat.Xml")
    success = xmlResp.LoadXml(resp.BodyStr)
    '  Assume the LoadXml is successful...
    '  Get rid of the SOAP wrappings and get to the meat of this particular response.
    '  The TagContent method returns the content of the 1st node in the XML document
    '  having a specific tag:

    unwrappedXml = xmlResp.TagContent("GetUKLocationByPostCodeResult")

    '  The unwrapped XML could be loaded into an XML object and parsed...
    set xmlMeat = CreateObject("Chilkat.Xml")
    success = xmlMeat.LoadXml(unwrappedXml)

    '  ...
End If

Hi. I have a script which I want to run from It is a sample script, so if this works I can use a 'real' one. The whole script appears below.

Do you mean you want to convert VBScript to code, or do you mean that you want to make your app have scripting support?
I want my app to have scripting support. I have tried doing this direct in VB.NET using a 3rd party component (which doesn't work - even the Support person gave up).

However, if you know how to do this in VB.NET, please let me know, and I will abandon the vb scripting route.
You should be able to add a reference to this COM library and use the objects and their methods in VB code, for example this:
set http = CreateObject("Chilkat.Http")
translates to:
Dim http As New Chilkat.Http
.Net has good file system support, for example:
Dim writer As New IO.StreamWriter("filename.txt")
and it has good web service support - WSDL.exe can create you some stub classes for your web service
The Chilkat components are available for .NET as well - there isn't much point in using the COM version in .NET

I think you can add a reference to the old COM Microsoft Script Control and do it via that, but I haven't used it for years and I don't recall the precise name.
and it has good web service support - WSDL.exe can create you some stub classes for your web service
For interaction with web service I'd prefer this too, just add a web reference to the asmx service path and it will create the proxy classes to use. J Trahair mentioned "It is a sample script, so if this works I can use a 'real' one." though, so I don't know if Chilkat is needed for that.

If I'm not misunderstanding the purpose with this, you can also run the scripts from VB, if it can be started from Explorer/shortcut you can also run it with Process.Start.

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