Array and GridView help


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Programming Experience
Hi..i need to write a program that allows the user to input student’s names (in textbox) and their studentID and searching (by name and id). the list of the student data should display in a gridview. The requirement is i need to used array. Can anyone help me out?
Is this homework? Sounds a bit like it so i'm just going to point you in the right direction.

In the Search Buttons Click event you want to do the following
  1. Create a new list of students that meet the search criteria
  2. Iterate over each student in your master array
  3. Check each student to see if they match the search critera
  4. If the current student does then add that student to the list that you created in step 1
  5. After each student in the master list has been checked bind the new list to a gridview