Correct Installation Order, and android.


Well-known member
May 15, 2008
Programming Experience
I have a new comptuer kit ordered today. Tigerdirect had a fantastic sale. Jumping from win xp to win 7 64. Going to be nice to finally be developing on a modern platform!

I have read some where that you can download visual studios 2005 for free, have not done a huge search on this, its not my main question. Does VS 2008 have a free version available? Express?

My next question is where can I find a really good how to on the correct process to install visual studios, mysql, silver light and all the other little things that I am going to want to use?

One last question, and I am sure this is a no, but is there any way to setup the visual studios environment for ANDROID development?

I have justified getting the new computer because I have been getting a good flow of solid side work. I have gotten that side work off of knowledge I have of, and I got started here. Really can't wait to get my new system, and I have forums that thank! So as always, thanks for taking the time to read my questions!

Happy Hacken.