Question Deploying 3rd party controls?

J. Scott Elblein

Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi all

I am about to create a setup for my first app (publicly distro'd that is) using SetupFactory. I added a control to the project (skincrafter), and it has a .dll.

I am wondering if .NET works the same as classic VB where you could put the .ocx anywhere you want on the user's system, and then just regsvr it?

I noticed that when coding the app, it copied the dll to the debug folder and appears to use it from there. What I would like to do is use the installer to drop it in the user's system folder and use it from there instead of dropping it in the same folder as the app itself. Can this be done in .NET? And is it a pro or a con to do so?

Look up GAC, though it is not recommended you use it.
Hey John,

Thanks, so what do you normally do, since I trust your judgment, just place any 3rd party controls you use in a project in the same folder as the .exe itself, on the end user's system? Is that considered the standard thing to do?

Doesn't that kind of seem, "sloppy looking" for the end user? I'm sooo used to the control you have over that sort of thing in classic vb, lol.
Yes, that is what they recommend, didn't you read the article?
What article?
"GAC" is linked in initial reply, you should at least read this introductory article from the documentation if you're interested in the topic you asked about.