Question Execute Reader or Fill is taking ages


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2010
Programming Experience
I have seen this question asked before, but I am struggling.
I have created a stored procedure which is pretty complicated.
Here it is for reference:

ALTER PROC ChangeoverEffeciencyReport
		DepartmentID INT NOT NULL
		, Department VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL
		, PlanEfficiency DECIMAL(12, 2) NOT NULL
		, ChangeEfficiency DECIMAL(12, 2) NOT NULL
		, CostStandard INT NOT NULL
		, PlanStandard INT NOT NULL
		, Actual INT NOT NULL
		, HasBeenUpdated BIT NOT NULL

		, c.DepartmentCode
		, 0
		, 0
		, 0
		, 0
		, 0
		, 0
	FROM WorkCentreLog AS a
	INNER JOIN WorkCentre AS b
	ON a.WorkCentreID = b.ID
	INNER JOIN Department AS c
	ON b.DepartmentID = c.ID
	WHERE a.Date
	BETWEEN @DateFrom
	AND @DateTo
		, c.DepartmentCode
	SELECT TOP 1 @ID = DepartmentID 
	FROM #Temp 
	ORDER BY DepartmentID

	WHILE @ID <> ''
		-- First set to has been updated
		Update #Temp
		SET HasBeenUpdated = 1
		WHERE Department =
			SELECT DepartmentCode 
			COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS
			FROM Department 

		-- Actual
		UPDATE #Temp
		SET Actual =
			SELECT ISNULL(SUM((DATEDIFF(Minute, StartTime, FinishTime))), 0)
			FROM WorkCentreLog
			WHERE Date
			BETWEEN @DateFrom
			AND @DateTo
			AND EventID IN
				FROM Event
				WHERE EventGroupID =
					SELECT ID FROM EventGroup WHERE UPPER(Description) = 'CHANGEOVER'
			AND WorkCentreID IN
				FROM WorkCentre
				WHERE DepartmentID = @ID
		WHERE Department =
			SELECT DepartmentCode 
			COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS
			FROM Department 

		-- CostStandard
		UPDATE #Temp
		SET CostStandard =
			SELECT SUM(t.CostStandard)
						SELECT CostStandard
						FROM Process
						WHERE ID = WorkCentreLog.ProcessID
					) AS CostStandard
				FROM WorkCentreLog
				WHERE Date
				BETWEEN @DateFrom
				AND @DateTo
				AND EventID IN
					FROM Event
					WHERE EventGroupID =
						SELECT ID FROM EventGroup WHERE UPPER(Description) = 'CHANGEOVER'
				AND WorkCentreID IN
					FROM WorkCentre
					WHERE DepartmentID = 7
			) AS t
		-- PlanStandard
		UPDATE #Temp
		SET PlanStandard =
			SELECT SUM(t.PlanStandard)
						SELECT PlanStandard
						FROM Process
						WHERE ID = WorkCentreLog.ProcessID
					) AS CostStandard
				FROM WorkCentreLog
				WHERE Date
				BETWEEN @DateFrom
				AND @DateTo
				AND EventID IN
					FROM Event
					WHERE EventGroupID =
						SELECT ID FROM EventGroup WHERE UPPER(Description) = 'CHANGEOVER'
				AND WorkCentreID IN
					FROM WorkCentre
					WHERE DepartmentID = 7
			) AS t

		SELECT TOP 1 @ID = DepartmentID
		FROM #Temp
		WHERE HasBeenUpdated = 0
		ORDER BY DepartmentID

		-- If nothing was returned
		SET @ID = ''
	FROM #Temp


This proc takes about 1 second to run in SQL Studio Manager, but when I called this from my code:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Configuration
Imports MachineTracker.Common

Public Class ChangeoverEfficiencyDataAccess
    Inherits BaseDataAccess

    Public Shared Function SelectEfficiencyByDate(ByVal DateFrom As DateTime, ByVal DateTo As DateTime) As EfficiencyCollection
        Dim wEfficiency As New EfficiencyCollection
        Dim dt As DataTable
        Dim SQLCmd As New SqlCommand
        SetConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("myMachineTracker").ConnectionString
        SQLCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
        SQLCmd.CommandText = "ChangeoverEffeciencyReport"
        SQLCmd.CommandTimeout = 200
        SQLCmd.Parameters.Add("@DateFrom", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = DateFrom
        SQLCmd.Parameters.Add("@DateTo", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = DateTo
        dt = FillDataTable(SQLCmd)
        For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
        Return wEfficiency
    End Function

    Private Shared Function ParseEfficiency(ByVal dr As DataRow) As Efficiency
        Dim coEff As New Efficiency
        With coEff
            .DepartmentID = CInt(dr("DepartmentID"))
            .DepartmentCode = Trim(dr("Department"))
            .ChangeEfficiency = CDbl(dr("ChangeEfficiency"))
            .PlanEfficiency = CDbl(dr("PlanEfficiency"))
            .CostStandard = CInt(dr("CostStandard"))
            .PlanStandard = CInt(dr("PlanStandard"))
            .Actual = CInt(dr("Actual"))
        End With
        Return coEff
    End Function
End Class

FillDataTable takes forever. Infact it times out.
Now I have stepped through my code and it is actually when I run the ExecuteReader command that it takes ages.
I can't understand why it would only take a second to run in T-SQL but over 2 minutes from my application.
Could someone please help me to fix this issue as it has happened on another report and is beginning to annoy me :(

Here is my BaseDataAcess.vb so you can see the offending code:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public MustInherit Class BaseDataAccess
    Private Shared mstrConnectionString As String
    Private Shared mConn As SqlConnection

    Public Shared WriteOnly Property SetConnectionString() As String
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            mstrConnectionString = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Shared Function FillDataTable(ByVal pSQLCmd As SqlCommand) As DataTable
        Dim dr As SqlDataReader
        Dim dt As New DataTable
        If mstrConnectionString <> "" Then
            pSQLCmd.Connection = mConn ' Set our connection
            dr = pSQLCmd.ExecuteReader
            dt.Load(dr) ' Load the DataRead into our DataTable
            CloseConnection() ' Call our Sub
            Throw New ApplicationException("Connection String has not been set")
        End If
        Return dt
    End Function

    Shared Function FillDataSet(ByVal pSQLCmd As SqlCommand) As DataSet
        Dim ds As New DataSet
        Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
        If mstrConnectionString <> "" Then
            pSQLCmd.Connection = mConn ' Set our connection
            da.SelectCommand = pSQLCmd ' Set the SelectCommand
            da.Fill(ds) ' Fill our DataSet
            da.Dispose() ' Dispose our Data Adapter
            CloseConnection() ' Call our Sub
            Throw New ApplicationException("Connection String has not been set")
        End If
        Return ds
    End Function

    Shared Sub ExecuteNonSelect(ByVal pSQLCmd As SqlCommand)
        If mstrConnectionString <> "" Then
            OpenConnection() ' Call our Sub
            pSQLCmd.Connection = mConn ' Set our connection
            pSQLCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() ' Execute
            CloseConnection() ' Call our Sub
            Throw New ApplicationException("Connection String has not been set")
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub OpenConnection()
        mConn = New SqlConnection ' Create our connection
        mConn.ConnectionString = mstrConnectionString ' Set our ConnectionString
        mConn.Open() ' Open the connection
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CloseConnection()
        If mConn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
            mConn.Close() ' Close
            mConn.Dispose() ' Dispose
        End If
    End Sub
End Class
Your session in SQl Studio Manager has cached all the data. Reboot your machine and the server, then run it again and tell me it still runs in seconds.. There is no difference between what your app is doing and what SQLMS is doing to run the query

Some suspect SQL in there - rule of thmb: never use IN for lists longer than you'd be prepared to type by hand. INlist iterators can take much longer than other join methods. Put some timing code into the stored procedure, increase the timeouts on the connection and the command youre using and see what is taking most of the time..

Also if you can explain more of your table structure and what the purpose of the Stored Procedure is someone should be able to help write it.. As far as I can see it uses a temp table to do some kind of data collation. It might well be that analytic queries can gather all the info youre after in a single pass.. Not quite sure what your looping structure is but you seem to have several fairly heavy updates inside the loop.. I'd fault those initially..
Some suspect SQL in there - rule of thmb: never use IN for lists longer than you'd be prepared to type by hand. INlist iterators can take much longer than other join methods.

I can't agree with this more. Last week I was troubleshooting why some vendor software was consistently taking 90-120 seconds to return a query. Profiler revealed that they had 2 IN statements in the statement they were sending. Rewrote it to use left joins and the data returned before Management Studio could round up to the 1 second mark.

Also if you can explain more of your table structure and what the purpose of the Stored Procedure is someone should be able to help write it.. As far as I can see it uses a temp table to do some kind of data collation. It might well be that analytic queries can gather all the info youre after in a single pass.. Not quite sure what your looping structure is but you seem to have several fairly heavy updates inside the loop.. I'd fault those initially..

I agree here a well. If you're using SQL Server 2005+ you may be able to avoid the temp table altogether.

I find this link handy to keep around Transact-SQL Reference.

Here's a pretty good starting place for just the analytic functions Analytical Functions*«*SQL Server / T-SQL
SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE somecolumn IN (SELECT othercolumn FROM othertable)

is functionally equivalent to:

SELECT sometable.* FROM sometable INNER JOIN othertable ON somecolumn = othercolumn


SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE somecolumn NOT IN (SELECT othercolumn FROM othertable)

is functionally equivalent to:

SELECT sometable.* FROM sometable LEFT OUTER JOIN othertable ON somecolumn = othercolumn WHERE othercolumn IS NULL

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