Help with database connection


New member
Dec 11, 2010
Programming Experience
Please help, Tell me how to make and retrieve data from database and pass numbers as column names.

I am using VB 2008 and used
SQLStr = "SELECT * FROM my_table Where column_name " & byt_loop
SQLCmd.CommandText = SQLStr
SQLdr = SQLCmd.ExecuteReader
If SQLdr.Read() Then
sng_CIR = SQLdr(byt_term - 9)
End If
and getting an error Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Please help, Tell me how to make and retrieve data from database and pass numbers as column names.

I am using VB 2008 and used
 SQLStr = "SELECT * FROM my_table Where column_name " & byt_loop
and getting an error Index was outside the bounds of the array.

hi i think your missing the '=' next to column_name
Its a mistake i forgot to add here in this forum

No the error is not there its in line sng_CIR = SQLdr(byt_term - 9)

can any one tell me a new way to accessing the stored data in database
hi, i think your question is a little hard to answer given the lack of clarity in what its supposed to do / what you are trying to archieve. Please also explain what is the purpose of 'byt_term - 9'
The term 'byt_term - 9' gives us a number
the SQLdr() function takes input as column name as a string or the 0 based column ordinal number
so 'byt_term - 9' returns a maximum number if 31 and columns in 40
i have changed the byt_term to return the output less that 31 also but its not working its giving the same error

can you tell a new way of retrieving data from table

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