HTML color-coding Textbox


New member
Nov 2, 2006
Programming Experience
Hello everybody.

First at all, excuse my bad english :p

I've got a problem with a program in a web VS project with c#:

I'm developing a "web content manager", and I need that people could edit asp, html... files into that content manager.

So, I can show the code from a specified file into a TextBox, but the problem is that the "text" is all in black. I'd need that the texbox would show that code in colors (like Dreamweaver, Homesite... does).

I've tested some RichTexts, but they aren't usefull for me, because they don't show me the code, they show the "final result" (WYSIWYG), and they crash with ASP tags ("<%", etc) o simply, they delete them.

SO, Could anybody help me? Are there any "textbox" with color-coding?

Thank you very much!