Question Need Help too many arguments specified


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Programming Experience
I am using Sql Server and VB.Net. I want to insert records in Database using Datagrid by pressing Save button. When i insert a single record it works, but when i try to insert multiple records it creates error. Procedure or function pro_Sales_Detail_Add has too many arguments specified. can someone help me? its urgent
I am using Sql Server and VB.Net. I want to insert records in Database using Datagrid by pressing Save button. When i insert a single record it works, but when i try to insert multiple records it creates error. Procedure or function pro_Sales_Detail_Add has too many arguments specified. can someone help me? its urgent

er.. probably because you specified too many arguments?

Dim s as String = "Hello there"
s = s.Replace("e", "i", "o", "u")

do you expect that to work? Replac eis only supposed to take 2 arguments. I passed it FOUR.. it wont work because "too many arguments"