Picturebox not transparent over objects.. Why is that?


New member
Mar 3, 2006
Quezon City Philippines
Programming Experience
God day guys, I had used VB.NET in our previous projects for ASP.NET but right now I want to test my newbie skills on creating games in VB. I have some understandings about Game concepts with object oriented style.

K, so here's the problem:
1. First I create a new project form
2. I add 2 Pictureboxes
3. I set the form's background from an image file (The 2 picturebox is gray still)
4. I set both picture box's image from 2 gif image files of cartoon characters with transparency. the problem is the transparent part became white which I believe is caused by the backgrund property of the picturebox
5. I set the 2 picturebox's property to Transparent from the property box's Background property and It's now transparent.
6. I put 2 pictures over the other and Holy COw! the transparent is not working against Objects. the transparent area of picBox1 and 2 only chameleon's the form's background but when it's ove another object like labels or another picturebox it's different..

my question is how do I make picboxes transparent over another object? also Is this the right way to make a game? I mean using pictureboxes for puting characters on a screen.. If you guys have a PDF for vb.net game programin where can I download it? tnx guys :)

P.S. : If there are some game programers out there hope u guys can help my learnin curve :eek: :eek: :eek: