Save text box content to database in other language than english


New member
Apr 20, 2008
Programming Experience
how to save a textbox content to database in a language other than English, like languages that read from RTL.

what to i have to in database, like selecting data type.

and what to i have to do in code

can someone help me, pointing in right direction
RTL is just a display mode, a string is still a string, but you have to make sure the international characters are preserved by using Unicode string type columns like nchar/nvarchar/ntext instead of Ascii columns like char/varchar/text.

Unicode strings
Unicode strings have a format similar to character strings but are preceded by an N identifier (N stands for National Language in the SQL-92 standard). The N prefix must be uppercase. For example, 'Michél' is a character constant while N'Michél' is a Unicode constant. Unicode constants are interpreted as Unicode data, and are not evaluated using a code page. Unicode constants do have a collation, which primarily controls comparisons and case sensitivity. Unicode constants are assigned the default collation of the current database, unless the COLLATE clause is used to specify a collation. Unicode data is stored using two bytes per character, as opposed to one byte per character for character data. For more information, see Using Unicode Data