[XCODE] Tags Only Working in Advanced Editor


VB.NET Forum Moderator
Staff member
Aug 17, 2004
Sydney, Australia
Programming Experience
I generally answer questions using the basic editor and, in the past, I have simply typed my
 tags.  With the new [xcode] tags, they appear not to be processed correctly when just typing into the basic editor.  It's not the end of the world to have to use the advanced editor but it does slow things down a little.

The biggest issue is when editing an existing post.  If I make a spelling error or the like, I'll often correct it in the basic editor.  Now, if you use an [xcode] tag in the advanced editor and submit, then edit the post in the basic editor, you lose the formatting on the code.  It would be easy to miss that.
Too bad. Are the XCODE tags case sensitive?
Too bad. Are the XCODE tags case sensitive?

I thought maybe that was the case too, although I've never seen any such tags be so. It was the first thing I tested and it made no difference. The fact that previously formatted code loses its formatting when editing an existing post supports that too. I assume that there's some parsing logic that is applied to the post when submitting from the advanced editor that isn't when submitting from the basic editor. Hopefully it's relatively simple to have that logic applied in both cases.
OK, thanks.
I think what you mean is the inline text editor. Enhanced/Basic/Standard editor is what you get when you click 'advanced', according your forum profile general settings. I tested all edit modes and all three editors applies formatting since they reload whole page after save. If you edit inline and press save it looses the formatting displayed, refresh the page and the code syntax color is automatically applied again.
I think what you mean is the inline text editor. Enhanced/Basic/Standard editor is what you get when you click 'advanced', according your forum profile general settings. I tested all edit modes and all three editors applies formatting since they reload whole page after save. If you edit inline and press save it looses the formatting displayed, refresh the page and the code syntax color is automatically applied again.

You are quite correct John. I did mean the inline editor and, when I refreshed the page, the formatting was in fact restored. I guess it was a limitation related to AJAX. There is apparently no issue so thanks.