Question Ciphertext Encryption


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Programming Experience
Hey there,

I'm a complete beginner to programming alone, let alone What I need to do is encrypt a block of text inputted by a user using a keyword that will also be inputted by the user. This is all to be done using ciphertext, so naturally the user would be informed the keyword can not have any repeating characters. I'm honestly not too sure where to start with this.

I figure the English alphabet will be predefined in capitals and lowercase, then the keyword will be read character by character, removing those characters from the alphabet array and then appending them to the end of it (to create the new encrypted alphabet). I've been searching for a while and can't figure out how to read the keyword character by character, and then removing the corresponding letter from the alphabet. The best I can think is to check each character of the keyword against each character of the array which I'm sure is much more work than I need to do.

Hopefully I've been clear. Any help would be appreciated.