Question Custom Setup Wizard's

You will have to create a Setup Project...

Add a new project to your solution and select the 'Setup and Deployment' project type (It will be under 'Other Project Types' node) instead of the VB ones, from here you should be able to select a 'Setup Project'
If you're using Express there is only ClickOnce deployment, it can't be customized beyond default configurations as you indicate by thread title, for that you need full version or a third party installer product.
Where can i get that?
They are sold in your favorite software store, some independent products you may have to search for and buy from their designated resellers.
sol to set up in 2005


u just used setup wizard in 2005 or may also used the custmize
wizard... as

1) qsetup 8.0
2) windows installer 3.0

downlod this frim Internet.
by using this wizard u can build the custmize setup..

best luck

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