Possibilities to save a label's text.


Nov 12, 2008
Programming Experience
I'm developping a website with VB.NET/ASP.NET and I'm using a text editor called FreeTextBox to modifiy a label's text data. Once I click my save button, the label.text does change but as soon as I stop debugging, the label goes back to its initial text (obviously). My question is: is it possible to save the new label data?
Tested it with VS2008EE and I have a settings tab.

Double click on "My Project" from the solution explorer and you'll see it.
It's an ASP/VB.NET project so I don't have any "My Project". What I could do maybe is save the page that has been modified and replace the "default" one... Is it possible?
It's an ASP/VB.NET project so I don't have any "My Project". What I could do maybe is save the page that has been modified and replace the "default" one... Is it possible?
That's because you have a website and not a webapp. Start a new WebApp and add the files from the website to the app and then things should work like you want them to.
That's because you have a website and not a webapp. Start a new WebApp and add the files from the website to the app and then things should work like you want them to.

Thanks for the reply, I can play with Settings now. Although I was wondering if it would be much easier if I would just save the current asp page I'm working on when I close the debug (unload).

For instance, I'm opening Welcome.aspx with a label.text = "test". When I change the label.text to something else then it saves the current page, thus saving the label.text change on unload. Possible?