Splitter Grippy


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2007
Programming Experience
I have found that in a lot of situations the SplitContainer is a very helpful tool for so many things, (though I would have been more inclined to have it be dynamically allocatable to more than just 2 panels, but we make due).

A lot of the time, more often than not, I utilize the SplitContainer as more than just the simple resizing tool (ie: 2 panels and a splitter) but also as the collapsible visual layout, for say in one screen there is a need to show the controls in both panel1 and panel2, but when the view is changed (for whatever reason) it can be very helpful to just Panel1Collapsed = true and voila those controls are no longer visible.

Embedding the split container can be even more beneficial, as say my current form has:
  • Splitter_V_Main (Vertically aligned Panels, Horizontal Splitter)
    • Panel1 (top)
      • Splitter_H_Details
        • Panel1 (left)
          • TabControlDetails
        • Panel2 (Right)
          • Splitter_V_Childs
            • Panel1 (Top)
              • DataGridView
            • Panel2 (Bottom)
              • DataGridView
    • Panel2 (Bottom)
      • DataGridView

Depending on which table I'm viewing, I can display just the bottom DGV, or if I've coded a details view, i can show the dgv and the specific details tab page, and depended on the table I can show up to two child related tables. And it's all pretty seamless.

So, I'm not sure what it would take, inheriting the current SplitContainer and creating my own control beyond it, or maybe something more nefarious, but what I was hoping to find, if anyone knows, is a way to create a "Grippy", much like the Mozilla Firefox "SideBar Grippy" which would allow the user to manually "collapse" a view, but it would still be visible for them to click again and reopen the collapsed panel. Currently it can be done, but you have to click and slide the "splitter" all the way left or right, and the splitter is pretty much "invisible" to the eye...no graphical representation to indicate that there is a resizing control.
