What do i have to install to have OleDb objects?


Jan 11, 2006
Programming Experience

I´ve installed Visual Studio .NET 2003 but i have no OleDB classes in System.Data.

I´ve add a reference to System.Data.dll but i don´t have System.Data:eek:leDb.

Is there anything else i have to install? perhaps MDAC?

It's very unusual that you would have installed visual studio and not got the oledb components. is it just oledb or are you missing the rest aswell i.e sql,oracle etc
You definately need MDAC but this should come with visual studio, you can try installing it. You download it from msdn.
I don´t have any of the data access... sql, oledb, etc...

And i´ve installed mdac 2.8 and the problem continues...

Isn´t it necessary to add references or something?
Or isn´t there a file named System.Data.OleDb.dll ?

you don't need to add a reference to it as such, you just need to add an imports statement at the very top of your class i.e

Imports System.Data.OleDb
or you can do this at the project level.
I´m using C# so i added using System.Data.OleDb;

when i compiled it i had the following error:
error CS0234:
missing reference to assembly...
This is really a VB.Net forum. But you problem does sound bizarre. I dont think MDAC 2.8 is the one you want. I think it's MDAC 2.7 your after. But that still doesn't explain why it was'nt installed with visual studio.
Yesterday i had the same problem with object DataGrid and i posted a thread about it in this forum. But i´ve solved the problem adding a reference to System.Windows.Forms.Datagrid.dll

That´s why i was wondering if there weren´t a file System.Data.OleDb.dll. to add a reference of this file to the project.

I´m gonna try to install MDAC 2.7 then......
i'm not entirely sure about that but off the top of may head i would say no. Just a question are you trying to program with the compact framework?
The issue with your last question was the fact that you were trying to use the CF, which is obviously structured differently to the full Framework. This question is not a Visual Studio installation issue so I have moved the thread. Also, this is a VB.NET-specific forum so I really would suggest finding a C#-specific forum if you're using C#. The two languages have many similarities thanks to the use of the .NET Framework but they also have many differences. I'd suggest CodeGuru.