Question Does visual studio 2010 express does not have empty project template?


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2006
Programming Experience
I have installed vs2010 express and I am trying to create an empty project. It does not have an empty project template. Where do you get an empty project template? And can I add it to VS2010 express? Thanks.
What do you intend to do with your empty project?

Everything is something, just choose the appropriate template for your application. The template really matters little, everything can be changed.
VB Express indeed does not have the Empty Solution project template. It's hardly required though, which is why it is not included in the Express edition. For a solution to be of any use, it pretty much has to contain at least one project, so just create that project from the outset.

I'm guessing that you are trying to follow a tutorial that was written for VS and asks you to create an Empty Solution as a first step. In that case, read on and see what type of project it instructs you to add to that solution, e.g. Windows Forms Application or Console Application. All you need to do is create that project to start with and the end result will be the same.

If there's still an issue then please post back and give us all the relevant information, which would include exactly why you want an empty solution. While I can't think of a good reason, if there is one then you could either just create a project of another type and then remove it from the solution or get someone with VS to create an empty solution and export it as a project template.
Hi all:
I am actually following some instructions in a book. The goal is to be able to have different sets of resources so I can display some text in the different languages. I think this is globalization. So I am following the instructions and it is instructing me to create and empty project. I will add resource files to that project,(this to seems tricky). Is this still the way it is being done or am I following out dated instructions? Thanks.
This is called satellite assemblies and is also included in IDE nowadays. In a forms project just change the form Language property, then you can set the different control texts for that language. The satellite assemblies for each configured language is generated automatically. The forms generated code uses a ComponentResourceManager to load the localized resources into controls.

To add additional localized resources that is not linked to control texts set in designer you just add a new .resx file to project for default culture, and a new .resx for each additional culture following the culture naming scheme. For example you add a extra.resx and extra.nb-NO.resx that has the default and Norwegian resources, IDE will automatically put the latter in that cultures satellite assembly when you compile. When you load that resource set into a ResourceManager object it will automatically get the localized version for current culture, or you can specify a culture when retrieving a resource.

If you want to compile satellite assemblies outside the box (IDE) you can create .resx files, and convert them to compiled .resources files then link them to assemblies using the .Net SDK tools resgen.exe and al.exe, or an alternative build from .resx file using .Net tool MSBuild.exe and GenerateResource task.

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